7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

The Bruin Bite — 10 May


We are down to 12 more days!!  That is just crazy!!!  Things are moving fast at this time.  Sorry I missed sending this out last week.  Please take a moment and talk with your child(ren) about trying to stay focused and behaving appropriately as we end the school year.  We are seeing an escalation in student behaviors.  Some from excitement about the end of the year, some due to the increasing in testing, some just because adolescents are still developing their ability to make choices and understand consequences.  If you could take a moment and talk with your child(ren) about being kind and trying your best, that will help. 

Just a reminder that today is our PTSA SWIG day.  You can show the flyer or just mention you are connected to Butler Middle.  25% of the proceeds will be donated to our PTSA.  Swig.pdf   

We have reviewed a few things over the PA, we also have started a more visible reward activity to help.  In Class, On Time, On Task—This time of year students (and staff) can be a bit squirrelly.  To help reward students for being In Class, On Time, and On Task, each period students have an opportunity to earn an In Class, On Time, On Task ticket.  Tickets are turned in each day.  In our afternoon announcements, we draw three names and give out rewards.  Our SBO’s took a trip to Costco to purchase prizes that we will draw for on the last day of school.  Those prizes will be in the display cases by the cafeteria.  It is a little bit of fun and excitement at the end of the year. Tickets are already being handed out. 

Thank you to all the parents and PTSA volunteers who have been helping with Teacher Appreciation week.  I think the favorite things have been the soda (yes, the caffeinated beverages) and the thank you cards from the students.  A simple note to say thanks really does mean a lot.  I even received a few.  They truly are special.  

Lagoon Day:  8th grade Parents—please read through this and complete the necessary forms for your child to participate in Lagoon. Lagoon Day 2022 (Parent Information Letter).docx.pdf  We are sending this home with students today.  

Parents Please Be Aware:  The following are items or concerns that we see at the school and we would like you to be aware of the concern as well as talking with your child about these concerns as they apply.  Thank you for helping us to help our students.      

  • Substitute Behavior—This past week we have had at least one substitute in each grade level report back some unfortunate student behaviors.  We have talked with students individually, and ask that you might take a moment and talk with your child about being on their best behavior for our guests.  We want substitutes to recognize how wonderful our students are and can be.  
  • After School Supervision:  With the warner weather, there have been a few unfortunate situations at the Rec Center and in the field behind the school after the school day is over.  Some of the students are from BMS, some from Brighton, and some from other schools.  Small groups of young adults have been extremely rude in language and behavior to drivers and adults, created messes and left laughing, and have been involved in more dangerous things such as climbing on the bathroom structures, breaking car windows, and unsafe activities on the climbing bars.  Be aware that there is not supervision in these areas.  We ask that all students are on their way home by 3:00.  The school staff generally leaves between 3:20 and 4:00.  The Rec Center does not have staff who regularly supervise the outside.  Please understand that when groups of adolescents are unsupervised, this often leads to poor group choices.  Make a plan with your child to be in a safe and supervised location at the end of the school day. 
  • Dress Code—With the joy of spring, comes the warmer weather and we start to have more issues with students and dress code.  Would you please work with your student to be sure what they are wearing to school is appropriate.  🙂  The most recent concerns have been dresses and short shorts.  According to District Policy,
  • “Students shall not wear clothes that are mutilated, cut off, or immodest, e.g., short shorts, mini-skirts, bare midriffs, halter-tops, spaghetti straps, tank shirts, or similar clothing. Clothing shall cover the midriff, underwear, backs, and cleavage at all times. Skirts, dresses and shorts must be at least mid-thigh length or longer when seated.”  Shoes are to be worn at all times and hats are to be removed upon entering the building.

Think of this as preparing students to dress for success.  Clothing that distracts or interferes with the learning atmosphere is not appropriate in the school setting.  Students who are not dressed appropriately will be asked to change clothes. If that is not possible, parents will be contacted to bring a change of clothing. If more appropriate clothing cannot be acquired, the student will be placed in In-School-Suspension (ISS) until the issue can be resolved. Our objective is to foster learning. We do not want to remove students from class and learning, and we look upon that as a last resort. Please encourage your student to dress in a manner that will follow the District guidelines and is appropriate in a school/work setting.  Thank you! 

RISE/End of Year Testing – We are doing our Math testing this week.  We are required to have 95% of our students complete the testing.  It is very important that your child is at school during this time.  We encourage students to take these tests seriously and we are asking for your support in reinforcing that message at home.  Our students are really doing quite well so far.  

How Should Students Prepare?  Practice for the test is the instruction students receive throughout the school year—the skills and knowledge they acquire each day. There are a few things, however, families can do to prepare for test day at home:

  • Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and eats a healthy breakfast.
  • Make the morning of testing as relaxing as possible by arriving at school on time.
  • Encourage children to focus and pace themselves without rushing. It’s important to take your time and read each question carefully.
  • Remind children that if the test questions seem hard, that means they’re doing well. Similar to the ACT college entrance exam, the RISE test is computer adaptive, which means it adapts to the examinee’s abilities by proposing harder questions when a student gets something correct, and easier questions when the student gives a wrong answer.

What About Kids Who Have a History of Test Anxiety?  It’s important to strike a balance with children. You don’t want them to brush off the test. On the other hand, you don’t want to stress them out. How you approach the conversation will differ from child to child. We like to describe testing skills as life skills. In most professions/careers, there is pressure to perform and meet deadlines, and testing is no different. It’s about demonstrating competency–what you know. Our students have worked hard all year in class. Now is their chance to show what they have learned.

Parent Resources – Hopefully you are getting ready for the end of the school year.  It is coming and fast.  Thank you for all you do to raise GREAT children.  It is an extremely difficult and challenging role, but being a parent is amazing.  I am so grateful to work with children who have such strong parents. Here are a few ideas about summer and raising adolescents.  There are some interesting ideas to think about. 

PTSA Announcements – 

  • Hey parents, we need your help for our next year’s PTSA Board of Directors. We have several positions still available. Please email your contact information to the PTSA @ butlerptsa@gmail.com.
  • We could use help with Memory Book hand out and signing.  here is the link to the sign up genius for the labeling day and the signing day help.  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F054CA4A82AA1FD0-memory1


Upcoming Events – Through the end of the year.

  • May 9 -13                    RISE Testing, Math
  • May 11                         Band/Orchestra Concert, 6:15/7:00
  • May 12                         Last Day of Bruins Den and Math Help
  • May 16 and 17             RISE Testing Make Ups
  • May 18 and 19             School Finals
  • May 20                         Memory Book Distribution and Signing
  • May 23                         Chromebook Collection; Science Classes
  • May 24                         Pool Party; 6th Grade
  • May 24                         Lagoon Day; 8th Grade
  • May 25                         Last Day of School for 6th Grade (full day) 
  • May 26                         Last Day of School for 7th and 8th Grade (½ Day)

Also, we have quite a few items in lost and found.  You might want to have your child stop by the Main Office to check on missing items.  

And remember . . . 

It’s Always a GREAT Day to be a Bruin!!

Ms. Paula Logan


Ongoing Items – These items have been addressed before, but you may need the information again.

  • Bruins Den – May 10, 11, 12.  The Bruins’ Den is available on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons from 3:00- 4:00 PM in the Media Center.  This is a time for students to complete homework and/or get help from teachers.  Each afternoon, two teachers are available in the Media Center to assist with student homework.  Students can work on their own or get assistance from a teacher.