7530 South 2700 E, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Additional Policies

Before & After School Procedures

The school day begins at 7:50 A.M. Although teachers are in the building prior to this time, they are preparing for classes and are not available for student conferences unless an appointment has been made. Students should not be in the building prior to the 7:30 A.M. bell. Students who must arrive at the school before 7:30 A.M. are asked to remain in the lobby or near the entrance. Breakfast is available at 7:10 A.M.

The school day ends at 2:50. Unless students are involved in a teacher-supervised activity, they are expected to leave the building and school grounds by 3:05 P.M.  Students wishing to meet with teachers after school must make an appointment.  Students staying for appointments or activities must arrange for their own transportation.


A nutritious breakfast and lunch is served daily. A computerized prepay system allows students to carry credit in an account. Lunch account numbers are assigned to each student.  A student’s account number remains the same for as long as he or she attends Butler. Deposits to a lunch account may be made in the main office by filling out a deposit slip, attaching it to a check or cash, and placing the deposit in the designated box.  Same-day deposits must be made before 9:00 A.M.  Students MUST keep their account number confidential.  

After students have finished eating lunch, they may remain in the cafeteria, go into the halls adjacent to the cafeteria, or go outdoors. By district policy, middle school students are to remain on campus during school hours.  All who use the cafeteria are responsible for keeping the area clean. Lunch sacks, cans, and wrappers should be placed in the garbage cans and trays should be taken to the proper area. Please recycle plastic bottles in the bins provided. Food, candy, and drinks are to be consumed in the cafeteria or in the designated area outside. 

Vending machines are available.  Each machine is serviced and stocked daily, but machine malfunction is a possibility.  Use the vending machines at your own risk.  There will be no refunds.  

Counseling Center Services

The Counseling Center is made up of two full-time counselors and several office assistants. If you wish to meet with a counselor, the secretary will make an appointment and the counselor will contact you.  Emergency first aid is available in the Counseling Center.  In case of illness, the student should obtain a note from the teacher and go directly to the Counseling Center.  If a student is too ill to remain in school, a parent/guardian will be contacted.  A student who is hurt before or after school or during the lunch period should go directly to the Counseling Center.  

Emergency Drills

Emergency drills are required by law. It is essential that everyone promptly obey when the first signal is given. Students are taught how to react appropriately to fire, earthquake and other emergencies.  During a fire or evacuation drill, students are to exit the building by the prescribed route as quickly as possible, move away from the building, and stay out of driveways. Students should remain quiet, controlled, and attentive. All will remain outside of the building until clearance is given to reenter.

Tampering with fire alarms is a serious offense.  A “joke” could easily turn to disaster.  Anyone who trips an alarm as a prank will be immediately suspended from school and referred to law enforcement.


Lockers are school property and are issued to students for storage of school books and school equipment. Students are responsible for keeping their lockers neat and clean both inside and out. They must not write on, scratch, carve, dent or in any way deface or mutilate their lockers or anyone else’s locker. Students must use the locker that was assigned to them.  Students who violate these regulations will lose locker privileges and will be required to make payment sufficient to cover damage.

School officials reserve the right to search any or all lockers. Illegal items found in lockers will be confiscated, and students to whom the lockers are assigned may be prosecuted.  All locker combinations are changed during the summer. If you want more security for your possessions, bring a personal key lock or combination lock from home, and bring a copy of the combination or a duplicate key to the main office.  If you bring a personal lock and forget the combination, it is your responsibility to get your locker open. The office staff will not open personal locks for a student’s convenience during the school day.  All lockers are subject to inspection when deemed necessary by school personnel. The school is not responsible for anything stolen from lockers.

Lost and Found

If you lose something, check in the Lost and Found bin in the office. Canyons School District is not responsible for any personal property which is lost, stolen, or vandalized, or which may have been entrusted for storage and/or safekeeping by Canyons School District or any employee of Canyons School District. There is no provision that allows payment for any personal item that is taken from school premises.

Media Center

Students are welcome in the Media Center on school days from 7:30 A.M. to 3:05 P.M. Each student is provided with an identification card. This card must be used to check out materials. Students who do not behave properly will be asked to leave.  Follow these policies:

  1. Quiet conversation is acceptable when talking applies to studies.
  2. Candy, food, and drinks are not allowed.
  3. Unless accompanied by a teacher, students need a hall pass.  If students desire to use the media center during lunch, a pass must be picked up from the librarian in the morning.
  4. Books checked out of the Media Center are due every two weeks.  One renewal is allowed.  
  5. Magazines may not be checked out, but are for use during regular class periods.  If you need a magazine during the next period, return to the main desk and it will be held there for you.  If you need to copy items from a magazine, take it to the main desk.  Copies are $.05 each.
  6. Some reference books and encyclopedias may be checked out overnight.  
  7. Audio-Visual materials may not be checked out to students.  If items are needed for classroom work, a teacher must check them out.
  8. Some items may be reserved for check-out.  The check-out period will be determined by the instructor.

Medication at School

Medication may only be administered to a student by school personnel if both of these conditions have been met:

  • The student’s parent or legal guardian has provided a current written and signed request that medication be administered to the student during regular school hours
  • The student’s physician, dentist, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant has provided a signed statement describing the method, amount, and time schedule for administration, and a statement that administration of medication by school employees during periods when the student is under the control of the school is medically necessary. Medication forms are available at the school counseling center. 

Acetaminophen or ibuprofen may be given by the school nurse, or other trained school employees as designated by the principal of the secondary school, to any student after consulting with parent regarding the need and obtaining verbal permission each time administered.


When a student’s family is moving or a student transfers to another school, he/she should formally withdraw from Butler Middle School. A withdrawal form may be obtained in the counseling center. The withdrawal process includes paying fines, returning school textbooks, cleaning out the locker, and final clearance by the teachers. Failure to follow this procedure will cause a delay and denial of refunds and credits. Please see the attendance secretary for more details.


It is the policy of Canyons School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or handicapping condition in any educational program.

Skyward Student

This is a valuable tool for parents to use in checking students’ grades and attendance. Each student is assigned a login name and password at the beginning of the school year.

Report Cards

Students are responsible to bring their own report cards home after the first, second and third terms. The fourth term report card is mailed home approximately two weeks after the last day of school.  Midterm progress reports are provided four weeks into each term. Please refer to the school calendar for specific dates. We encourage students to take midterms home. Additional copies are available to the parent upon request. Please remember, Skyward Student should be accessed regularly by both students and parents.

Telephone Use

Students are not released from class to accept or make telephone calls except in cases of illness or serious emergency. The school is happy to relay messages from parents to students. Students are allowed to use cell phones before school and after school. We ask that parents do not call students on their cell phones during the school time, but that they contact the main office at 801-826-6800 to leave a message.

Electronic Devices

Personal electronic devices designed for entertainment purposes are not permitted during school hours. Cell phones and/or other communication devices may be confiscated if they disrupt the educational process or environment. Any use of an electronic device that exploits personal information, disrupts the educational process, invades personal privacy or compromises the integrity of educational programs is strictly prohibited. Butler Middle School will not assume responsibility for personal items.


All visitors should check in at the main office. Student visitors are not allowed in the school during regular school hours.  An exception to this rule is made for students the school has invited into the building as part of the regular instructional process.  All visitors should check in at the main office. We ask parents to also follow this rule by checking in at the office to pickup a visitor’s pass.  This is for the protection of both students and staff members.

Dangerous or Disruptive Conduct

The following conduct is defined as dangerous or disruptive and is prohibited on school property, at school-sponsored activities and while traveling in school-funded or school-dispatched vehicles:

  1. Possessing (regardless of intent), using, selling or trading a firearm, weapon, knife, explosive device, noxious or flammable material, firework, chemical weapon, martial arts weapon or other instrument including those which eject a projectile or substance of any kind, or any replica or facsimile of any of the above, whether working or not.
  2. Causing, or attempting, threatening or conspiring to cause, damage to property or people through:
    • Possession or distribution of drugs or alcoholic beverages
    • Sexual harassment
    • Arson
    • Burglary
    • Stealing
    • Criminal Mischief (causing injury/damage in excess of $200 to public/personal property)
    • Battery – touching or striking another person against his or her will
    • Assault – putting another person in fear of harmful or offensive touching
    • Involvement in any illegal activity or causing others to be involved in illegal activity
    • Vandalism
  3. Bullying – Endangerment to the physical or emotional health or safety of a school employee or student; any brutality of a physical nature; forced or coerced act or activity of a sexual nature or with sexual connotations; or other physical activity that endangers the physical health or safety of a school employee or student.
  4. Cyber Bullying – sending email, text, or posting messages on social networking websites to defame, intimidate, threaten, demean, harass, insult or humiliate a student or school employee in a deliberate, repeated or hostile or unwanted manner.

The following Gang-Related Activity is prohibited:

  1. Gang-related activity that is dangerous or disruptive.
  2. Gang-related activity that includes but is not necessarily limited to:
    1. Wearing, possessing, using, distributing, displaying or selling any clothing, jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, sign or other things which evidence membership in a gang.
    2. Use of a gang-associated name.
    3. Designating turf or an area for gang activities or occupation or ownership.

The Board of Education authorizes school administrators to take appropriate action to preserve order among the students and staff and to protect school property. Acts of violence, use or possession of a weapon or facsimile, criminal behavior, and gang activity in or about district schools, property, or activities are dealt with in accordance to district policy and the law.

Drug and Alcohol Policy

The administration recognizes that the possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, or other prohibited substances constitutes a hazard to students and is disruptive to the educational process.  The following substances are prohibited at school:

  • Illegal drugs and associated paraphernalia
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Illegal psycho toxic chemicals (inhalants)
  • Prescription medications in excess of an 8-hour dosage
  • Over-the-counter medications in excess of an 8-hour dosage
  • Tobacco products

The possession, use, or distribution, by students of any substance listed above is prohibited on school district property, during school hours, and at any school-sponsored extracurricular program or activity including those held off school property.  Violations will result in the strict application of Canyons School District’s Drug and Alcohol Policy

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is defined as any verbal, written, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. These behaviors can vary from an annoying glance to an attempted or actual physical assault. Such behavior includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal comments. It is unlawful when any of these conditions are met:

  • Submission to such conduct is used as the basis for educational decisions affecting the individual
  • Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive study environment.

Suspension Policy

Canyons School District students and employees are entitled to a learning/working environment that is free from unlawful and violent acts. Therefore, the Canyons District Board of Education shall not tolerate acts of violence, use or possession of weapons, criminal behavior or gang activity in schools, on school property, or at or around school activities. Students whose actions pose a threat to the health and/or safety of a student or staff member may be suspended to a district level hearing.

Vulgarity or Profanity

There shall be no display of manner or speech that is lewd, vulgar, gross, obscene, defamatory, or otherwise disruptive to the wholesome educational environment of the school.  Under state law, any violation of this policy could result in suspension from school

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