7530 South 2700 E, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121


Butler Middle School has an exceptional Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) that work to support our school and all students. The PTSA members volunteer many hours in our school to support our students and work to bring community input into the school.

PTSA Region 17, Canyons Secondary Council

Unit ID Number: 00022785
Employer ID Number: 87-0545448

2023-2024 Board Members

Sara Vranes: President

TBD: President Elect

Mishay DeCort: Secretary

Srajan Singhai: Treasurer

TBD: Reflections Chair

Kate Jensen: Memory Book Chair

Stacey Deittman: Community Partnership Chair

Ashley Steele: Membership Chair

Heather Dance: Hospitality Chair

Sara Vranes: Student PTSA Chair

TBD: Volunteer Coordinator

Ily Murdock:  Reality Town Chair

TBD:  Great Bruin Store Chair

Kate Jensen: Spirit Wear Chair

Sara Vranes: Red Ribbon Week Chair

TBD: Legislative VP Chair

Bryan Rudes – Principal
Scott Dwyer – Assistant Principal
TBD – Teacher Representative
Tatiana Grant – Counselor

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