7530 South 2700 E, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

BMS Daily Procedures 2022-2023

Dear Butler Middle School Community,

Please read through this document with your student so that you have an idea of what the school day will look like for your student. 

Before Coming to School

            Complete the Canyons School District Daily Symptom Checker

School Entry to Begin the Day

  • The Main Doors to the school will open at 7:30 AM
  • Students are welcome to enter the building at 7:30 AM.
  • Students eating breakfast will be able to enter the cafeteria beginning at 7:30 AM on M-F. Students will need to eat in a timely manner and then clean up their space before moving to 1st
  • Students who arrive after 7:55 AM will enter through the main doors and head to class.
  • Students arriving after 8:10 will need to check in through the Main Office.

Classroom Entry – Every Period

  • Students may sanitize their hands upon entry (each classroom has a dispenser) and proceed to their assigned seat with their required material.
  • Students will stow their backpacks in the designated area for each class or under their desk.
  • Cell phones are discouraged and if a student brings one to school, it is to remain put away in the student’s backpack and is not to be visible during the school day, including at lunch.

Transition/Class Change Procedure

  • Students will be expected to “stay to the right side”, following posted traffic flow signs, while walking the hallways.

Lunch Assignments and Procedures

  • Monday -Thursday there will be three lunches during 4th period:
    • A– lunch, 6th grade
    • B – lunch, 7th grade
    • C – lunch, 8th grade
  • Students will be encouraged to eat lunch quickly and then will be expected to go outside for the remaining time (15 minutes).
  • Students will enter the building at the bell and have five minutes to get to class.
  • Friday, due to the early out, there will be two lunches that will be assigned during 5th

Building Exit – End of Day Procedure

  • M-T— The school dismissal bells rings at 2:50 PM. All classes will be escorted directly outside by their 6th period teachers utilizing all exit routes to maximize efficiency.
  • Friday—The school dismissal bell will ring at 1:10 PM. All classes will be escorted directly outside by their 6th period teachers utilizing all exit routes to maximize efficiency.
  • Students are expected to be off campus and on their way home within 10 minutes of the dismissal bell.
  • Students who need to re-enter the building for after school activities, can do so through the Main Doors.

Reentry – End of the Day Procedure

  • Students attending after school classes or supports will be admitted reentry through the main office.
  • If students are in a reoccurring group, they will be given a sticker to put on their student badge that will give them permission to reenter the building.
  • Students attending Bruins Den will enter through the main office and go directly to the library.

Miscellaneous Procedures

  • Lunch money – This school year breakfast is $1.25 regular/$0.30 reduced. Lunch is $2.25 regular/ $0.40 reduced.
  • Student check-out – please call ahead to notify that you are checking out your student. An ID must be presented to the attendance secretary in the main office.  You may then return to your vehicle or wait in the front vestibule for your student.
  • Food/Item deliveries – We discourage food or commercial deliveries. Thank you for your understanding.  As for food items and gift deliveries, only individual lunches delivered by a parent will be delivered to a student and should only be when a student forgets to bring a lunch. 
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