7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Parent/Teacher Conferences

BMS Parent Teacher Conferences Fall 2020

Tuesday, September 22, 4:00-7:30 PM
Wednesday, September 23, 4:00-7:30 PM

As with many things this year, Parent Teacher Conferences will be structured differently than in past years.  Parent Teacher Conferences for the Fall of 2020 will be virtual conferences via Google Meet video or phone calls.  Each teacher will have approximately 70 time slots for a 5 minute conference. 

On Friday, teachers will email a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and a Google Form to all parents.  The FAQ will clarify common questions, update parents about curriculum/projects, and share some general information.  Teachers will email the FAQ on Friday afternoon. The Google Form will be a place for you to ask specific questions or follow up questions that were not addressed in the FAQ.  Questions will be answered in a team/teacher email. 

Due to time constraints, we are asking that parents of students with grades A or B in classes respond to teachers on the Google Form with specific questions they may have about the course.  These questions will be collected and answered in a team/teacher email.    

Parents of students with a C or below in class please use the Skyward parent conference scheduler to schedule a time slot for conferences.  Instructions for this process are below.  Parents and teachers are asked to keep conferences to a maximum of 5 minutes so the teachers can stay on track with the call/Google Meets times.  Should parents need longer times, the teacher will reschedule a time to call back. 

Parents will sign up on Skyward for a time.  On the day of PTC, we will email to all parents a list of the links/phone numbers for the Google Meets/calls.  Parents can access through the Google Meet link for a video conference or use the phone number and code to call in and conference through the phone.

If parents would like to speak with one of our social emotional team members, support staff or administration, they will also be available during the Parent Teacher Conference Times.  The counselors will have times for conferences that can be prescheduled through Skyward as well. 

Last Name A-L           

Admin: Sara Allen                                           Counselor: Carolann Heindel
Phone: 801-826-6813                                     Phone: 801-826-6821

Email: sara.allen@canyonsdistrict.org           Email: carolann.heindel@canyonsdistrict.org

                                                                        Will have appointments you can preschedule

Last Name M-Z          

Admin: Dan Ashbridge                                    Counselor: Tatiana Grant
Phone: 801-826-6812                                     Phone: 801-826-6822

Email: daniel.ashbridge@canyonsdistrict.org     Email: tatiana.grant@canyonsdistrict.org

                                                                        Will have appointments you can preschedule


School Psychologist: Julie Epperson               School Social Worker: Lily Ferrreira
Phone: 801-826-6829                                     Phone: 801-826-6869

julie.epperson@canyonsdistrict.org              lily.ferreira@canyonsdistrict.org


School Social Worker: Megan Hall                 Media Specialist: Jen VanHaaften
Phone: 801-826-6865                                       Phone: 801-826-6841

Email: megan.hall@canyonsdistrict.org         Email: jennifer.vanhaaften@canyonsdistrict.org


Principal: Paula Logan

Phone: 801-826-6801

Email: paula.logan@canyonsdistrict.org

Sign-ups for Parent Teacher Conferences will begin on September 15th at 8:00 AM.

Parent Conference Instructions – Skyward

Login to your Skyward Family Access

If you have more than 1 student in Canyons School District Schools, choose All Students

  1. On the left side click the Conferences tab


  • Only one appointment can be scheduled per teacher per student
  • If guardians maintain separate households, they must login separately to schedule individual conference times for their student
  • If you have more than one student, the system will allow you to schedule them at the same time with two different teachers, however a warning will appear because this will double book you.
  1. Click All Conferences next to the student’s name for whom you wish to schedule a conference.
  2. Click Select a Time.
  3. Choose the time you want and click Select next to that time (Status for that time slot must be open or select option will not appear).
  4. A window appears showing the appointment information. Click
  5. You will receive a confirmation e-mail. You will also receive a reminder e-mail five days before and two days before your scheduled appointment.