7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Student Citizenship


A GREAT Bruin consistently…

  • Follows school and class expectations.
  • Demonstrates a high level of respect for the uniqueness of others, respects the right to learn without interference or interruption. Volunteers to help others.
  • Maintains a positive relationship with peers and teachers.
  • Shows respect for others’ property and the property of the school.
  • Uses appropriate language.
  • Practices self-control.

Work Ethic

A GREAT Bruin consistently…

  • Comes to class prepared.
  • Engages in classwork without prompting.
  • Completes work in a timely manner.
  • Completes work that meets or exceeds expectations
  • Demonstrates a strong sense of initiative, accepting responsibility for her/his own education.


A GREAT Bruin consistently…

  • Attends class (less than 4 absences per term)
  • Has no truancies
  • Arrives on time (in seat ready to work when bell rings)
  • 0-1 tardies per quarter