7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

September 13, 2023 – Minutes

Butler Middle School
School Community Council (SCC)

September 13, 2023
Main Office Conference Room, 3:30 PM

BMS Mission Statement
The mission of Butler Middle School is to foster rights, respect, and responsibility in a supportive school community that ensures all students achieve high levels of learning.

  • Bryan Rudes (S)
  • Genny Poll (S)
  • Jenny Baker (S)
  • Andrew Otto (S)
  • Christopher Gunther
  • Lori Carter
  • Meagan Heaton
  • Summer Gallegos (4)
  • Ladena Saxey (S)
  • Crystal Gover
  • Rebecca Shepherd
  • Marci Cardon
  • Sara Vranes (2)

Goals for Butler Middle School’s TSSP 2023-2024

Attendance Goal:
In the 2023-2024 school year, BMS will aim to have 80% of our students on track each quarter with attendance in all grades and student groups.  We define on track as students missing less than 10% (green and yellow).

Behaviors Goal:  
Behavior – 85% of students will report feeling connected to school on targeted school climate survey. We will average the last 3 data questions related specifically to connectedness from the survey.

Coursework: MI (Math) Goal:
75% of our students will be proficient or advanced on the Spring 2023 Math Inventory (MI). 
5% or less in Below Basic and 20% or less in Basic in each grade level by the end of the school year.
75% of our SWD, ELLs, and students in the Below Basic level will grow at least 50 points or one level in the January and April testing windows.

Coursework: RI (Reading) Goal:
80% of our students will be proficient or advanced on the Spring 2023 Reading Inventory (RI).
5% or less in Below Basic and 15% or less in Basic in each grade level by the end of the school year. 
80% of our Students with Disabilities, English Language Learners, and students in the Below Basic level will grow at least 50 points or one level in the January and April testing windows.


  1. Welcome – Introductions  (10 minutes)

*          Absent Members: Summer Gallegos and Marci Cardon

 2. Bylaws Review and Approval (10 Minutes)

*          Emily made a motion to approve the Bylaws as they stand, Tyson seconded, and the vote was all in favor.

 3. Elect a chair/co-chair (5 minutes)

*          Genny Poll nominated Summer Gallegos for chair, Rebbecca Shepherd seconded, and the vote was all in favor.

*          Lori Carter was nominated for co chair, Rebecca Shepherd second, and the vote was all in favor.

 4. Meeting Outline for this year (5 minutes)

*          Informational

 5. Set meeting times/dates (5 minutes)

*          Lori Carter motioned to approve the proposed calendar, meeting the 3rd Tuesday of the month, except for November 14th due to the fall break. Tyson Grover seconded, and the vote was all in favor.

6. District SCC Trainings (5 minutes)

*          All members need to attend one of the training sessions.

 7. Review PBIS Rewards (10 minutes)


 8. Review current TSSP (10 minutes)

*          Informational- We have Goals in the following 4 area;

  1. Attendance Data –
  2. Behavior–School Connectedness Survey
  3. Coursework: Reading–Data
  4. Coursework: Math–Data


9. Upcoming Calendar Events (5 minutes)

*          Sept 20th – Mid-term

*          Sept 22nd – Picture Re-takes

*          Sept 26-27th – PTC 26th in person PTC 27th zoom meeting.  All Conferences are by appointment only.

*          Sept 28th — Early out and no school 29th

*          Oct 5-  PTSA meeting 9 AM


 10. Other




Next Meeting: (This is based on the schedule from last year.  This may change at the first meeting based on current member needs.)


Approved Meeting schedule for the year:  3rd Tuesday of the month. November due to the Fall recess, we will meet the 2nd Tuesday. Meetings at 3:30—in person