7530 South 2700 E, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

November 18, 2020 – Minutes

Butler Middle School

School Community Council (SCC)
November 18, 2020
Virtual Meeting, 3:30 PM

BMS Mission Statement

The mission of Butler Middle School is to foster rights, respect, and responsibility in a supportive school community that ensures all students achieve high levels of learning.

  • Denise White—Chair (2)
  • Honor Steele—Vice Chair (1)
  • Paula Logan (S)
  • Sara Allen (S)
  • Tatiana Grant (S)
  • Inga Plucinski-Holbrook (1)
  • Lori Carter (1)
  • Micah Baker (1)
  • Debbie Durtschi (1)
  • Chris Coutts (2)
  • Doug Draughan (2)
  • Monica Meyer (2)
  • Summer Gallegos (2)
  • Carole Sobrio (S)
  • Ladena Saxey –Secretary

Goals for Butler Middle School’s CSIP 2020-2021

Attendance Goal:

In the 2020-2021 school year, BMS will aim to have 85% of our students on track each quarter with attendance in all grades and student groups.  We define on track as students missing less than 10% (green and yellow).

Behaviors Goal:  

Behavior – 85% of students will report feeling connected to school on targeted school climate survey. We will average the last 3 data questions related specifically to connectedness from the survey.

Coursework: MI (Math) Goal:

75% of our students will be proficient or advanced on the Spring 2021 Math Inventory (MI). 
5% or less in Below Basic and 20% or less in Basic in each grade level by the end of the school year.
75% of our SWD, ELLs, and students in the Below Basic level will grow at least 50 points or one level in the January and April testing windows.

Coursework: RI (Reading) Goal:

80% of our students will be proficient or advanced on the Spring 2021 Reading Inventory (RI).
5% or less in Below Basic and 15% or less in Basic in each grade level by the end of the school year. 
80% of our Students with Disabilities, English Language Learners, and students in the Below Basic level will grow at least 50 points or one level in the January and April testing windows.

  1. Welcome – Introductions (Denise)
  1. Bylaws and Meeting Minutes Approval (Denise)
    • Lori carter made a nomination to approve the October Meeting minutes, Monica Meyer 2nd the motion and the vote was “All in Favor”.
  1. Digital Citizenship (Jen Van Haaften)—Moved to November
  • What is appropriate, what is true and
  • Filters in place with District approved technology.
  • Filters are not in place on personal device when using their own ”data plan” if they are on the school WIFI they filters are in place.
  • LanSchool
  • Inappropriate Content – Admin are notified when inappropriate content is accessed.
    • Content Keeper – flags inappropriate search terms
      • 1st time – warning to student – email in canvas account and review the acceptable use agreement
      • 2nd time – parent contact and review the acceptable use agreement
      • 3rd time – restrict use for 2 weeks
      • 4th time – 4 weeks
      • 5th time – create a plan with parents…
  • Yearly Digital Citizenship Plan
    • NetSmartz assembly December 2nd – Thursday “Bruin time” bell Schedule
      • 6 lessons from January – May
      • Rotate through assembly schedule (in class)
    • Nearpod Lessons (compare to NetSmartz and fill in the blanks)
    • Digital Life grade 6
    • What Me Should I be? Grade 7
    • Cyberbullying, Grade 8
    • Parent Supports:
    • Common Sense Media
    • Games
    • Movies
    • Books
      • Parent Connections – District Website
    • Previously supported technology supports & concerns

We will create own website

  1. School Safety—District Report/School Report (Sara)
    • Doug Draughan had voiced some concerns – Paula forwarded the concerns on to the district… process
    • Fire Alarm, October 29th. Our fabulous gym teachers have a Zombie Run with a smoke machine. The alarms were triggered and we evacuated. Our staff and students did a great job we were out in about 3.5 minutes.
      • Substitute teachers – emergencies/drills
  1. Review PBIS Rewards (Sara)
    • Today’s points 4,230 points as of 5th period today.
    • 210,115
      • 6th grade – 64,689
      • 7th grade – 77,302
      • 8th grade – 59,976
      • Average points by gender: 239 girls, 204 boys
      • Hot store items – Nerf items, glow in the dark frisbee, LED lights
  1. Update Return to School Plan (Paula)
  • Covid cases at Butler Middle 1-5 for our school. We currently have 5 kids quarantined because of exposure or family members… several parents have called, they are keeping their kids home due to possible exposure, thank you to our community.
  • We are the only middle school lining up outside, unstructured time impacting exposure.
  • 1 teacher out on quarantine and 1 with covid both from social exposure NOT school.
    • There has been some changes to how notifications go out, one school had to quarantine 100 kids making it impossible to contact them all in a school day. The Skyalert system is being used to notify families. At Butler our school nurse has been able to follow-up and personally contact each of the families that are quarantined.
    • On-line learning – Our teachers are aligning with what is being taught in their in person classes rather than not following the district outlined plan for on-line learning. This is going better and smoother for our teachers and students.
    • We were able to include the on-line students in our last assembly as it was shared digitally through Canvas.
    • We are also seeing more PBIS rewards points being awarded and used by the online students.
  1. Data Review (Paula)
    • Attendance – end of 1st quarter
    • We did not change the goal due to covid
      • End of 1st quarter we had 81% attendance really good considering COVID world
      • SpEd students had 89%
      • ELL 75% on track so a little work to do but it is COVID.
      • 6th gr – 87%
      • 7th gr – 83%
      • 8th gr – 72%
      • More quarantine kids in the 7th and 8th grade
    • ODRs
      • Major issue 102 referrals
      • Spike around lunch and end of the day
      • Wednesdays have higher numbers during the week.
      • October they tend to go up but we are about ½ of what we were last year.
      • Technology violations are higher than usual – with more access to technology this is to be expected
    • School Connectedness
    • Reading Inventory – fall 71% (last yr 66%)
    • Math Inventory – last yr 26% this fall we are at 24%
    • The test is based on what WILL be taught, so we expect lower numbers in the fall.
    • Fall to winter growth is good, last yr they almost doubled.
  1. Review of 2019-2020 Land Trust Final Report (Paula)
    • Attendance: We saw significant improvement in attendance for the first and second quarters of the 2020 school year over the 2019 school year.
    • Reading: We saw a slight increase (1%) in our school’s overall midyear testing We will focus on decreasing the number of students in basic and below basic reading with targeted interventions.
    • Math: We saw an increase (6%) in our school’s overall midyear testing. We had added math lab with Math 180 for all students this year and will focus on moving more students into the proficient and advanced ranges.
  1. Review of 2020-2021 Land Trust and TSSP Plans (Paula)
  • Attendance: We will aim to have 85% attendance on track.
    • Action plan: quarterly postcards, Build A Bruin (1st period – based on work completion), Golden Bruin (based on work completion in random periods), and Instructional Aide Support (attendance tracking)
  • Behavior: We will aim to have 85% of our students report feeling connected to school.
    • Action Plan: school Connectiveness Survey, Second Step Program, School Social Worker, GREAT Bruin PBIS store, PBIS reward program, MTSS Aide to assist with work completion
  • Course Work/Reading & Math: We will aim to have 80% of our students proficient or advanced on the Spring 2021 Reading Inventory and 75% of our students proficient or advanced on the Spring 2021 Math Inventory.
    • Reading Action Plan: Bruins Den, Read 180 licenses, Literacy PD, MTSS Aide to assist with work completion, substitutes for data collaboration, Instructional Assistant
    • Math Action Plan: After school math help, Math 180 licenses, Illustrative Math consumables, substitutes for data collaboration
  1. Upcoming Calendar Events (Sara)
  • Safe UT Assembly will be virtual through the science classes
  • NetSmartz – December 2nd
  • Performing Arts December Assemblies will be virtual through Canvas
  1. Other


Next Meeting: January 20

Meetings at 3:30—through google meets until further notice

  • November 18
  • January 20
  • February 17
  • March 17
  • April 21




             Outbreak Criteria

Outbreaks can happen in one area (like a classroom) or extend more widely (like a school or district)

  • 1 case in a classroom is not considered an outbreak
    • Only individuals who were in close contact will be notified and required to quarantine at home for the designated 14 days
  • 2 cases in a classroom within a 2 week or 14-day period puts a classroom on alert for heightened awareness
    • We will notify the students and parents within the class of the situation and ask them to take extra precautions and remind them to stay home if feeling sick
    • Enhanced cleaning will take place during this time
  • 3 cases in a classroom within a 2 week or 14-day period is considered an outbreak
    • Everyone in the identified classroom(s) will need to quarantine for 14 days at home from the date of last exposure.
    • The school will clean the classroom per guidelines established by the health department
  • 15 cases in a school within a 2 week or 14-day period is considered an outbreak
    • The whole school will need to quarantine for 14 days at home from the date of last exposure
    • The whole school will be cleaned per guidelines established by the health department

District Closure

  • If multiple schools are quarantined the local health department in collaboration with Canyons District Leadership will make this decision on a case by case basis.