7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

November 20, 2019 – Minutes

Butler Middle School School Community Council (SCC)

November 20, 2019
Main Office Conference Room, 3:30 PM

BMS Mission Statement

The mission of Butler Middle School is to foster rights, respect, and responsibility in a supportive school community that ensures all students achieve high levels of learning.

  • Denise White (1) -Chair
  • Becky Parkin (1) -Vice Chair
  • Paula Logan – Principal (S)
  • Doug Hallenbeck (S)
  • Tatiana Grant (S)
  • Monica Alm (S)
  • Brenda Sim (2)
  • Honor Steele (2)
  • Inga Plucinski-Holbrook (2)
  • Lori Carter (2)
  • Micah Baker (2)
  • Debbie Durtschi (1)
  • Laurel Miller-Jones (2)

Goals for Butler Middle School’s CSIP 2019-2020

 Attendance Goal:
In the 2019-2020 school year, BMS will aim to have 80% of our students on track each quarter with attendance.

As a sub goal, BMS will aim to have the percentage of students with disabilities and English Learners students on track with attendance each quarter at 80%.

 Behaviors Goal:  
85% of students will report feeling connected to school on targeted school climate survey.

Coursework: MI (Math) Goal:
60% of our students will be proficient or advanced on the Spring 2020 Math Inventory. 

Reduce the percent of students in below basic to 10% or less in each grade. 80% of our Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners will grow at least 50 pts. Each testing window.

 Coursework: RI (Reading) Goal:
80% of our students will be proficient or advanced on the Spring 2020 RI

6th grade with 5% or less in Below Basic and 20% or less in Basic

7th grade with 4% or less in Below Basic and 16% or less in Basic

8th grade with 4% or less in Below Basic and 11% or less in Basic

80% of our Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners will grow at least 50 pts. Each testing window.

  1. Welcome
  2. Approve last meeting minutes:
  • Monica Alm made a motion to approve the minutes from the October Meeting. Lori Carter 2nd the motion. The vote: “All in Favor”
  1. Digital Citizenship– Doug
    • Our Media Specialist, Jen Van Haaften is the Digital Citizenship coordinator.
    • Doug shared the district ‘s Digital Citizenship Overview for SCC Members
      • The district has strict filters and are always monitoring district devices.
      • The district uses ContentKeeper for filtering. Doug shared a short overview video.
        • Students accessing the internet through their own devices will not be filtered unless they are logged into the districts Wi-Fi.
        • One of our concerns is the students that access the internet through their own data plan, we cannot filter what they access and it is difficult to monitor.
        • With our new approach to cell phone use, cyber bullying and internet access issues have significantly dropped. Kids are more engaged with each other, they play outside during lunch and talk more in the hallways and cafeteria.
        • There was a question regarding e-mail communications. Students can use CSD docs suite; this is an internal email system. They cannot send or receive emails to/from outside sources, no spam. There is also internal communication within CANVAS.
        • All communication can be monitored by teachers. Students do not have access to any of the instant messaging programs like Google Hangout or Instagram.
      • LanSchool for PC’s, Mac, and Chromebooks is helpful, teachers can actually see and monitor students screens in real time.
      • If alerted of any inappropriate behavior IT can pull history data. They are able to track the data back to the student login.
      • Digital Citizenship week will be December 2- We will end the week with an assembly by Collin Kartchner, an activist for keeping kids safe on the internet.
      • In March we will have another digital citizenship assembly; NetSmatz, a multimedia internet safety presentation. Netsmartz is approved by the Utah attorney General’s office and sponsored by the Boys and Girls Club of America.
  1. School Safety—Doug
    • November Lockdown Drill Report: We completed our drill in 3 minutes and 2 seconds. We were very pleased with the quick response from our students and staff.
      • During a lockdown drill we send our group leaders out to account for all of the classes; make sure lights are off, students cannot be seen or heard, doors are locked… In an actual lockdown we would keep the halls and common areas clear of all students and staff.
    • Next month we will have a shelter-in-place drill.
    • Substitute teachers receive a folder when they check-in that has all of the safety procedures listed.
    • In the event of an emergency parents will be contacted through a “skyalert” from our communications department.
    • DIR-S is an app that we are working to implement here at Butler. It can be used during an emergency to communicate directly with each other to check in and report needs.
    • Butler’s reunification location was Brighton High’s auditorium however, with the construction it will not be available after January. Doug has made arrangements with the Director of the Rec Center to use the ice house in the event of an evacuation.
    • We have tightened up on school visitors and access to the building.
      • All visitors must sign in at the office and show ID. They are given a color coded visitor badge indicating the purpose of their visit and they need to sign out at the end of their visit.
      • Badge access has been added to all the office doors. So people can get into the office but not the rest of the building without a school or district badge, or being “buzzed through”. Outside doors are checked each class period to make sure they are secured.
  1. Addendum to CSIP/TSSP – sign
    • LaDena will contact those that are not here to stop by and sign the form this week.
  2. Upcoming Calendar Events
  • November 21 –           GREAT Store 11-12:45 (during lunches)
  • November 21 –           NJHS Induction 6:00 pm
  • November 26 –           Counselors present on LifeLines suicide prevention and SafeUT (Science classes)
  • December 2 –           Quarter 2 Midterm
  • December 2-6 –           Digital Citizenship Week
  • December 6 –           Collin Kartchner (addressing social media) assembly, sponsored by PTSA and BMS
  • December 16–20 – PTSA Teacher appreciation week.
  1. Other:
    • PTSA is looking for someone to take over the GREAT store.
    • There was a concern about the play at Brighton High. Doug sent out an email that day addressing the PG nature of the play. He received only 1 parent response, by email thanking him for addressing it and suggesting an alternate activity for the younger grades.
      • Admin will discussion whether we will attend future plays and consult with Brighton High regarding content of future performances.

Next Meeting: Jan 15th
(No Dec Meeting)
-Feb 19th
-Mar. 18th
-April 15th
-May 13