Butler Middle School
School Community Council (SCC)
17 March, 2021
Zoom Meeting, 3:30 PM
BMS Mission Statement
The mission of Butler Middle School is to foster rights, respect, and responsibility in a supportive school community that ensures all students achieve high levels of learning.
- Denise White—Chair (2)
- Honor Steele—Vice Chair (1)
- Paula Logan (S)
- Sara Allen (S)
- Tatiana Grant (S)
- Inga Plucinski-Holbrook (1)
- Lori Carter (1)
- Micah Baker (1)
- Debbie Durtschi (1)
- Chris Coutts (2)
- Doug Draughan (2)
- Monica Meyer (2)
- Summer Gallegos (2)
- Carole Sobrio (S)
- Ladena Saxey –Secretary
Goals for Butler Middle School’s CSIP 2020-2021
Attendance Goal:
In the 2020-2021 school year, BMS will aim to have 85% of our students on track each quarter with attendance in all grades and student groups. We define on track as students missing less than 10% (green and yellow).
Behaviors Goal:
Behavior – 85% of students will report feeling connected to school on targeted school climate survey. We will average the last 3 data questions related specifically to connectedness from the survey.
Coursework: MI (Math) Goal:
75% of our students will be proficient or advanced on the Spring 2021 Math Inventory (MI).
5% or less in Below Basic and 20% or less in Basic in each grade level by the end of the school year.
75% of our SWD, ELLs, and students in the Below Basic level will grow at least 50 points or one level in the January and April testing windows.
Coursework: RI (Reading) Goal:
80% of our students will be proficient or advanced on the Spring 2021 Reading Inventory (RI).
5% or less in Below Basic and 15% or less in Basic in each grade level by the end of the school year.
80% of our Students with Disabilities, English Language Learners, and students in the Below Basic level will grow at least 50 points or one level in the January and April testing windows.
- Welcome – Paula
- Approve last meeting minutes:
- Lori Carter Made a motion to approve the minutes from our last meeting; February 17, 2021. Monica Meyer 2nd the motion and the vote was All in Favor.
- COVID Update (Paula)
- Online/In-person (135/760)
- Number of cases/quarantines: We are in the 1-5 group for positive cases and no students quarantined.
- TSSP/LandTrust Plans (Paula)
*Informational/Possible Approval—Motion/Vote
- Paula reviewed each of the Goals and each goal was put to a vote;
- Goal #1 – Attendance, we would like to shift our focus to ON TIME/no tardies rather than No absences.
- Summer Gallegos made a motion to approve Goal #1. Inga Plucinski-Holbrook 2nd the motion and the Vote was All in Favor.
- Goal #2 – Behavior
- Paula will pull the GREAT Postcard Data for the next meeting.
- Chris Coutts made a motion to approve the Behavior goal. Monica Meyer 2nd the motion and the Vote was All in Favor.
- Goal #3 – Reading
- Inga Plucinski-Holbrook made a motion to approve the Reading goal. Summer Gallegos 2nd the motion and the Vote was All in Favor.
- Goal #4 – Math
- Summer Gallegos made a motion to approve the Math goal. Doug Draugham 2nd the motion and the Vote was All in Favor.
- Now that each goal was approved there is a document we need Each of the committee members to sign, please stop by the office before Spring Break to sign.
- Meeting on March 31st: Summer Gallegos made a motion to strike the meeting. Debbie Durtschi 2nd the motion and the vote was All in Favor.
- Goal #1 – Attendance, we would like to shift our focus to ON TIME/no tardies rather than No absences.
- Course Requests/Registration Time Line (Sara)
- March—look at funding and request numbers to determine courses for next year
- April/May—create school schedule for next year—determine which combinations of courses each period fits the most student requests.
- June/August—work with counselors to finalize student schedules, look at additional student requests
- August—Parents register students online
- ~August 9—Schedules available
- August 13—6thGrade Orientation
- August 16—School Starts
- Hiring/Staff Changes for the Coming Year (Paula)
- Both Assistant Principals, Sara Allen and Dan Ashbridge have been reassigned for next year. Genny Poll will replace Dan she comes from the district office, Responsive Services Department and this will be her first year as an administrator. Halley Nelson will replace Sara and she is coming from Indian Hills where she has been an Assistant Principal for several years.
- We are also losing Katherine Chipman; Choir/Guitar, Melody Roper; FAC’s and Kristy Dunn; Art/3D Design.
- Upcoming Calendar Events (Sara)
- NetSmartz – March 17
- End of Quarter—March 19
- Spring Break April 5-9
- RI/MI/AAPPL Testing the week of April 12th
- Earthquake Drill on April 15th
- RISE Testing- In person/online
- Other
- Erin Hemingway received a rather large donation of team gear/jerseys from RSL
Next Meeting: March 31st, 3:30 Zoom
- April 21