Butler Middle School
School Community Council (SCC)
16 March, 2022
3:30 PM
BMS Mission Statement
The mission of Butler Middle School is to foster rights, respect, and responsibility in a supportive school community that ensures all students achieve high levels of learning.
Jared Brubaker, Chair (1)- Summer Gallegos, Vice Chair (2)
- Paula Logan (Principal)
- Genny Poll (AP)
Tatiana Grant (S)- Ily Murdock (1)
- Susan Kirkland (S)
- Denise White (1)
- Doug Draughan (2)
- Monica Meyer (2)
Jennifer Hamelin (1)- Ladena Saxey (S)
Goals for Butler Middle School’s CSIP 2021-2022
Attendance Goal:
In the 2021-2022 school year, BMS will aim to have 85% of our students on track each quarter with attendance in all grades and student groups. We define on track as students missing less than 10% (green and yellow).
Behaviors Goal:
Behavior – 85% of students will report feeling connected to school on targeted school climate survey taken at the end each quarter. We will average the percents of the 4 data questions related specifically to connectedness from the survey.
Coursework: Reading (RI) Goal:
- 80% of our students will be proficient or advanced on the Spring 2022 RI in each grade level.
- 5% or less in BB and 15% or less in Basic in each grade level by the end of the school year.
- 80% of our SWD, ELLs, and students in the Below Basic level will grow at least 50 points or one level in the January and April testing windows.
Coursework: Math (MI) Goal:
- 75% of our students will be proficient or advanced on the Spring 2022 MI.
- 5% or less in BB and 20% or less in Basic in each grade level by the end of the school year.
- 75% of our SWD, ELLs, and students in the Below Basic level will grow at least 50 points or one level in the January and April testing windows.
- Welcome –(Summer)
- Approve last meeting minutes (Summer)
Summer made a motion to approve the February 17th meeting minutes, Denise 2nd the motion. The vote was all in favor. - TSSP/LandTrust Plans (Paula)
*Informational/Possible Approval—Motion/Vote
- Review/Finalize/Approval of Plan
- Attendance Goal: No changes, Genny made a motion to approve the plan, Doug 2nd the motion and the vote was all in favor.
- Behavior Goal: No changes, Denise made a motion to approve the plan, Ily 2nd the motion and the vote was all in favor.
- Reading Goal: No Changes, Genny made a motion to approve the plan, Denise 2nd and the vote was all in favor.
- Math Goal: No changes, Genny made a motion to approve the plan, Ily 2nd and the vote was all in favor.
- Signing document required, please stop by the office this week and sign.
- Meeting on March 30th is not needed, we will cancel that meeting.
4. Course Requests/Registration Timeline (Genny)
- March—look at funding and request numbers to determine courses for next year
- April/May—create school schedule for next year—determine which combinations of courses each period fits the most student requests.
- June/August—work with counselors to finalize student schedules, look at additional student requests
- August—Parents register students online
- ~August 9—Schedules available
- August 13—6th Grade Orientation
- August 16—School Starts
5. Hiring/Staff Changes for the Coming Year (Paula)
- Melissa Harral, 6th grade Math – she has accepted a position closer to her home.
6. Upcoming Calendar Events (Genny) *Informational
- End of Quarter—March 18
- Virtual Day – March 25
- French Toast Friday and announce Teacher of the Year nominees – March 25
- Talent Show and Teacher of the Year Announcement – March 30
- Spring Break April 4-8
- Earthquake Drill on April 14th
- RI/MI/AAPPL Testing the week of April 18th
- Virtual Day April 22nd
- RISE Testing- April 25th
Next Meeting: April 20