7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

January 20, 2021 – Agenda

Butler Middle School
School Community Council (SCC)
January 20, 2021
Zoom Meeting, 3:30 PM

BMS Mission Statement
The mission of Butler Middle School is to foster rights, respect, and responsibility in a supportive school community that ensures all students achieve high levels of learning.

o Denise White—Chair (2)
o Honor Steele—Vice Chair (1)
o Paula Logan (S)
o Sara Allen (S)
o Tatiana Grant (S)

o Inga Plucinski-Holbrook (1)
o Lori Carter (1)
o Micah Baker (1)
o Debbie Durtschi (1)
o Chris Coutts (2)

o Doug Draughan (2)
o Monica Meyer (2)
o Summer Gallegos (2)
o Carole Sobrio (S)
o Ladena Saxey –Secretary

Goals for Butler Middle School’s CSIP 2020-2021

Attendance Goal:
In the 2020-2021 school year, BMS will aim to have 85% of our students on track each quarter with attendance in all grades and student groups. We define on track as students missing less than 10% (green and yellow).

Behaviors Goal:
Behavior – 85% of students will report feeling connected to school on targeted school climate survey. We will average the last 3 data questions related specifically to connectedness from the survey.

Coursework: MI (Math) Goal:
75% of our students will be proficient or advanced on the Spring 2021 Math Inventory (MI).
5% or less in Below Basic and 20% or less in Basic in each grade level by the end of the school year.
75% of our SWD, ELLs, and students in the Below Basic level will grow at least 50 points or one level in the January and April testing windows.
Coursework: RI (Reading) Goal:
80% of our students will be proficient or advanced on the Spring 2021 Reading Inventory (RI).
5% or less in Below Basic and 15% or less in Basic in each grade level by the end of the school year.
80% of our Students with Disabilities, English Language Learners, and students in the Below Basic level will grow at least 50 points or one level in the January and April testing windows.

1. Welcome – Introductions

2. Approve last meeting minutes (November)

3. School Safety (Dan Ashbridge)
SCC Meeting Agenda
o Safe Walking Route
o Drills Report

4. COVID Update (Paula)
o Online/In-person
o Number of cases/quarantine

5. PTC—Feb. 23/24
o Online Appointments

6. Review CSIP Data from Mid-Year (Paula)
a. Attendance
b. ODRs
c. MI testing
d. RI testing
e. School Connectedness
f. Comparision from Online/InPerson

7. LandTrust/CISP Goals
o Review of current Goals
o Any changes you would like to explore
o Data collection requests

8. Registration Timeline/Update
o All Virtual
o Feb. 3—5th graders
o Feb. 4—6th, 7th graders
o Cards Due Feb. 8

9. Upcoming Calendar Events
o NetSmartz

10. Other