7530 South 2700 E, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

April 27, 2022 – Minutes

Butler Middle School

School Community Council (SCC)–Meeting Notes
27 April, 2022
3:30 PM

BMS Mission Statement

The mission of Butler Middle School is to foster rights, respect, and responsibility in a supportive school community that ensures all students achieve high levels of learning.

o Paula Logan (S)

o Genny Poll (S)

o Tatiana Grant (S)

o Ily Murdock (1)

o Susan Kirkland (S)

o Denise White (1)

o Doug Draughan (2)

o Monica Meyer (2)

o Summer Gallegos (2)

o Jared Brubaker (1)

o Jennifer Hamelin (1)

o Ladena Saxey (S)

Guests: Nancy Tingey (CSD Board President), Amber Schill (CSD Board Member), Cindy Hansen (CSD School Performance)

Goals for Butler Middle School’s TSSP 2021-2022

Attendance Goal:
In the 2021-2022 school year, BMS will aim to have 85% of our students on track each quarter with attendance in all grades and student groups. We define on track as students missing less than 10% (green and yellow).

Behaviors Goal:
Behavior – 85% of students will report feeling connected to school on targeted school climate survey taken at the end each quarter. We will average the percents of the 4 data questions related specifically to connectedness from the survey.

Coursework: Reading (RI) Goal:

● 80% of our students will be proficient or advanced on the Spring 2022 RI in each grade level.

● 5% or less in BB and 15% or less in Basic in each grade level by the end of the school year.

● 80% of our SWD, ELLs, and students in the Below Basic level will grow at least 50 points or one level in them

January and April testing windows.

Coursework: Math (MI) Goal:

● 75% of our students will be proficient or advanced on the Spring 2022 MI.

● 5% or less in BB and 20% or less in Basic in each grade level by the end of the school year.

● 75% of our SWD, ELLs, and students in the Below Basic level will grow at least 50 points or one level in the

January and April testing windows.


1. Welcome –(Paula)

○ Jared was traveling for business and accessed the meeting through the Zoom link.
○ Summer was unable to attend today’s meeting
○ Paula ran the meeting in the absence of the chair and co-chair.

2. Approve last meeting minutes (March) (Paula )


Doug Draughan motioned to approve the minutes
Susan Kirkland seconded the motion
Vote to approve the minutes was unanimous

3. TSSP/LandTrust Plans (Paula)


○ Sent to Board for approval–Amber and Nancy clarified that the CSD Board would approve the plans in their upcoming meeting on May 3.
○ Review of Last Year Report *–Appendix A
■ Due to the lack of substitute options, we moved the cost of the Classroom Support/Tech aid to Land Trust under the MTSS Specialist. This moves our LandTrust to within the acceptable rollover.
■ We should have about $40,000 in rollover from TSSP, which is okay this year. We moved the cost of the Intern Counselor to the TSSP plan. Previously it was listed at the bottom if there was overage.
■ Spending TSSP monies on technology for staff computers and printers (overage category)
○ Current RI/MI
● Not official yet, but currently looks as though we are 80% proficient in the RI schoolwide and 61% in the MI. With the increased absenteeism this year, we are pleased with this outcome.
● Absenteeism is still an issue. Looks better for the moment, but it has been a decline last year and this year. We are still keeping our goal of 85%, but we may need to rethink that next year.

4. Review of SCC Election Timeline (Paula)


○ Information sent in Online Registration and July/August Bruin Bite
○ Collect names through August 8th
○ Elections begin Aug. 12, if necessary, at Back to School Night. Elections will run through Aug 19th with voting drop off in the Main Office.
○ Sept. 14, 3:30–First meeting
■ Reviewed the SCC Members who have another year to serve:

1. Ily Murdock
2. Denise White
3. Jared Brubaker
4. Jennifer Hamelin

5. 2022 – 2023 Enrollment Summary (Paula)


● 6th – 303
● 7th – 321
● 8th – 310
● Permits – 19 on waitlist

6. Hiring/Staff Changes for the Coming Year (Paula)


● Counselors–Kayse Amevor (CH), Jenny Baker (Intern)
● Math 6–M. Diblasi (MH)
● Math 7–Jared Doan (TO)

7. Teacher of the Year – Katherine Cance (Paula)


○ We had over 200 nominations
○ We had over 30 teachers nominated

8. Upcoming Calendar Events (Paula )


● Midterm for Quarter 4 – April 26
● RISE Testing- April 25 – May 18
● Teacher Appreciation Week – May 2nd through May 6th
● Dance Performance – April 28th
● Theatre–May 2
● Orchestra Performance – May 11
● Band Performance – May 11
● May 19
○ Last day for school store
○ Last day for Bruins Den and Math Help
● End of Year – May 25/26

9. Other

○ Earthquake Drill
○ This went well. When we do evacuate it is around 3 minutes to evacuate all the students and staff.

Paula asked for feedback on information incoming 6th grade parents might need. Planning to send an email to them this summer to help them prepare for middle school

Doug asked Nancy and Amber to consider SEL supports for students due to the need for mental health/anxiety supports.

Motion to adjourn–Ily Murdock
Second: Monica Meyer
Vote to adjourn–unanimous


Nest meeting: September 14th, 3:30

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