7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Frequently Asked Questions

7:55 AM Monday-Friday–The Main Entrance doors open at 7:30 AM.  There is a warning bell at 7:50, and classes begin at 7:55. 

Monday-Thursday school ends at 2:50 PM.  On Fridays, school ends at 1:10 PM. .

  • Notebook
  • Folder
  • Pen/Pencil
  • A smile
  • A map of the school (found in the school planner or online)
  • A copy of your schedule

On a daily basis, students will attend 6 class periods. Students have 8 classes.  Core Classes (ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies) meet every day.  All other classes meet on an A/B schedule.

All classes are 59 minutes Monday-Thursday and 42 minutes on Friday.

One of the great things about middle school is you change classes and teachers each period.  You have 5 minutes to move from one class to the next. 

Students have 8 classes. Four (4) core classes meet every day. Core classes are: English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. All other classes meet every other day on the A/B schedule. Classes run throughout the entire school year.

Yes, BMS (and all district middle schools) has an A/B day schedule. Students have periods 1-6 on A days and periods 1-6 on B-Days. Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science will all be taught everyday. For example you might have Language Arts both A and B days during 2nd period. The classes that change on the A/B schedule will be elective classes such as CTE, Reading, World Language, Music, Drama, Tech, etc. So, during 3rd period on A day you could have Spanish and then on B day during 3rd you might have drama.








A Day

College & Career Awareness







B Day

Art 1



PE 6




A new copy of student schedules can be obtained through the Counseling Center.

  • A map is provided to every student in their student planner which will be handed out in a student’s first period class, and maps are always available in any of the offices.
  • We encourage new students to spend a few minutes getting to know the school at orientation.
  • In addition, the building is open in August on weekdays from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Students (and their parents) are welcome to check in with the Main Office and visit the school to find their classes anytime during those hours.

All Canyons District middle schools have 4 grading periods throughout the school year.

All classes run throughout the school year. Classes will meet either every day (English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies) or every other day on the A/B schedule.

BMS has organized our school around grade level teaming.  Teams are comprised of 4 teachers and approximately 175 students.  The four team teachers are English Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies.  These 4 teachers have the same 175 students throughout the school day.   We place the team classes together in the grade level classroom hallways.  This allows for our teachers to better focus their efforts on meeting student needs and works to create small learning communities in our school.  It also allows for students to have the majority of their day in a grade level hallway.         

            6th Grade—Gummy Bears, Cinnamon Bear
            7th Grade—Panda Bears, Polar Bears
            8th Grade—Grizzly Bears, Kodiak Bears

In middle school, there are class fees.  The general registration fees are paid in July/August as you complete the online registration.  After the school year begins, fees are assessed for classes.  Classes with fees are noted on the course request form.  All fees are within the ranges set by the CSD Board of Education.  

If you are sick, your parents need to call the school office at 801-826-6810 to report your absence. You will need to check with your teachers to make up the missing work.  Most work will be on Canvas.

We do not have classes that are designated as honors in 6th grade.  Our Math and ELA teachers work with all students who are interested in honors work and challenges.  Every student has the chance to earn an honors designation for Math and ELA each quarter.  Your teachers will explain this to you at the beginning of each quarter. 

In 7th and 8th grade honors placement is based upon requests as well as recent Reading Inventory and Math Inventory Scores and state testing scores when these are in place. 

Monday-Thursday there are 3 lunches based on the 4th period class and assigned by grade level. 
On Friday, we will have two lunches.  These will be assigned with the 5th period class and all grades will be in each lunch. 
Students have a 30-minute lunch time.

This school year breakfast is $1.25 regular/$0.30 reduced. 

Lunch is $2.25 regular/ $0.40 reduced.

The Main Lunch entre can be found at the lunch menu link on our website.  Each lunch line has the items in that line listed on the TV above the line.  Students just choose as they come to the cafeteria which line/food item they would like that day.  

In addition to the main entre line, which serves a different hot lunch item every day, pizza, sandwich bar, and baked potatoes and salads are also available most days. The “a la carte” line is available daily, offering chicken sandwiches, chicken nuggets, mini corn dogs, etc. 

Butler Middle’s cafeteria also offers breakfast, including delicious rolls, oatmeal, cereal, eggs, juice, and toast.

  • A solid white crewneck T-Shirt— should be a solid white crew-neck, no V-necks, pockets or logos and labeled with first initial and last name on front and back in large lettering (1-2 inches).
  • Gym shorts should be a solid color with no pockets or belt loops, no shorter than mid-thigh length. You may wear athletic capris, pants, or sweats in place of shorts.
  • White athletic socks.
  • Athletic gym shoes that lace up with non-marking soles are required. Avoid the “all-terrain” hiking shoe and the Van-style slip-on.
  • Personal items should include a small sweat towel, deodorant and soap. Other suggested items include bandages, safety pins, lotion and personal hygiene items.
  • Sweatshirt and pants are suggested for cooler days.
  • There is a swimming rotation that does require swim wear. This is reviewed in the PE class.

The school expects students to abide by the following guidelines regarding cell phones:

  • Students may bring cell phones to school, but phones must be off and put away during the school day including lunches. 
  • Students may not make or receive phone calls during class time.
  • Students are not allowed to leave class to receive or to make calls.
  • Cell phones must be kept in students’ backpacks or out of sight at all times during the day.
  • Faculty will confiscate phones used during the school day. Confiscated phones will be taken to the Main Office.
    • 1st time, cell phone returned to student at end of school day
    • 2nd time, the office contacts a parent, phone returned to student at the end of the school day after the parent contact
    • 3rd time, the office contacts a parent and an adult must come to the school to retrieve the cell phone

If a parent needs to contact a child due to an emergency, he or she should call the school office, 801-826-6800. School staff will retrieve students from class. 

  • When do students receive the Chromebooks?
    • BMS students receive their Chromebooks, chargers and Chromebook case during the first week of school.​
  • Are students able to take the Chromebooks home? 
    • Absolutely!! Not only can students take the Chromebooks home, they are expected to take it home each night. The Chromebooks will be used not only for in-class work but also for homework assignments.
  • What are the expectations for student use of the Chromebooks? 
    • BMS owns the Chromebooks and loans them to the students as a tool to support their learning experience. Students will be expected to bring them to school fully charged each day and have them in class just as they would for any other required material.
  • Do students use other devices in class? 
    • BMS is committed to providing teachers and students the best technology for specific learning goals. Other devices are available when necessary in the classroom.
  • My student already has a Laptop/Chromebook.  Can he/she use it? 
    • No, due to the way our devices are managed, all of the Chromebooks in the program will be school-issued devices.
  • How will a student’s safety online be ensured? 
    • We will be using our Internet infrastructure to control the devices that use our wireless network. We also provide web filtering. Weekly reports are sent to the assistant principals regarding search contents. 
  • What if a Chromebook is lost or damaged? 
    • The Chromebook is BMS property and is loaned to the student for the school year. Students are ultimately responsible for the care of the device.

Students can request a locker after the first two weeks of school.  Lockers are assigned randomly by grade level.  Grade level lockers are near each grade level academic wing.  There are upper and lower lockers.  If there are problems with a locker, please contact the Main Office.  If you need to request a different locker, please speak with Main Office. 

Middle schools in Canyons District sponsor 3 competitive sports events: cross country (September), 3-on-3 basketball (March), and co-ed soccer (April). We also sponsor a Chess tournament in January. Salt Lake County Recreation sponsors 8th grade competitive basketball teams for boy and girls.