7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Back to School Plan 2022-2023


Throughout the School

  • Students (parents) and staff will be asked to complete a daily symptoms prior to coming to school.  If sick, please stay home and access school work through Canvas.
  • Hand sanitizer is available in the lunchroom and in all classrooms.  
  • All entry/exit doors are locked from the outside except the Main Entrance.  Students and patrons entering the building beyond the morning entry time, will be directed through the Main Office to check in. 
  • Students and staff are to wear their ID badges each day so that the badge is visible at all times. 



  • School begins at 7:55 AM Monday-Friday.
  • The Main Doors unlock at 7:30 AM and students can enter the building.
  • The Bus doors will be unlocked from 7:45 AM to 7:55 AM to allow for students to enter from the buses. 
  • Students who are eating school breakfast will enter through the Main Doors at 7:30 AM.   
  • At 8:00 the foyer doors will lock and all students/patrons who enter must come through the Main Office. 
  • All parents/patrons will be required to sign in–date, time, name, name of student, purpose and location of visit.  Photo ID is required to check students out. 


  • Teachers will escort their 6th period classes out of the building following classroom evacuation routes.
  • Monday-Thursday, students will be asked to leave campus by 3:00 PM unless working with a teacher.
  • On Friday, students will exit at 1:10 PM.  Students should be on their way home by 1:20 PM. 
  • Parents should make arrangements for their children to be picked up promptly as school ends at 2:50 PM on M-Th and at 1:10 on Fridays.
  • Students who need access to the school building after school has ended will exit the building with their class, and then return through the Main Office with a designated pass to identify where in the building they are going to be. Access to teachers on Friday afternoon is extremely limited as teachers are in staff and team meetings. 




  • All students will be asked to leave campus by 3:00 PM unless working with a teacher.
  • Parents should make arrangements for their children to be picked up promptly as school ends.
  • Parents dropping off or picking up students should pull all the way to the front of the drop off zone on the east side of the school.
  • Busing is provided to students enrolled in K-6 grades who live at least 1.5 miles from school and to 7-12 grade students who live at least 2 miles from school. To determine if your child is in a busing zone, go to the district website and then the transportation department link or http://edulog.canyonsdistrict.org/livewq/webquery/



Hallways and Stairwells

  • Students will be expected to walk on the right side of hallways and stairs and not group in areas that hinder the progress of others. 
  • Hand sanitizing dispensers are installed in each classroom for ease of use.




  • Breakfast will be served from 7:30 to 7:50 AM.
  • We will have three lunches M-Th and two lunches on Friday.
  • Students will eat in the cafeteria.
  • Students are expected to go outside when they finish eating.
  • Tables will be cleaned and sanitized between each lunches.
  • Food areas will be sanitized between each lunches and at the end of each day.
  • The two assistant principals and two other aides supervise the students in the cafeteria and outside throughout the lunches. 




  • All classes will use assigned seating.
  • Students will be asked to report safety concerns to their teacher.
  • Teachers will sanitize their equipment as often as feasible.
  • Hand sanitizing dispensers are installed in each classroom.
  • Students are expected to be in their assigned classes. 




  • Chromebooks will be checked out to all students.
  • Cleaning guidelines for the Chromebooks will be provided to students.
  • Students are expected to clean their Chromebook weekly.

·       Students are expected to bring their Chromebooks to school charged each day.

·       Students are expected to follow the Acceptable Use Policy in regards to using their Chromebook.



Student Supplies

·       The school will provide each student with the following:

    • School Planner,
    • Chromebook,
    • Barcoded badge with lanyard,
    • 6th grade students and new students will receive a Chromebook case.


·       Students/ families are asked to provide:

    • A water bottle,
    • A backpack,
    • Various school supplies depending on class schedule—basics include paper, pencils, pens, highlighters, notebooks, and possibly binders.  Teachers will review this with students at the beginning of the school year.
    • 7th and 8th grade students should either purchase a Chromebook case or reuse the one provided in 6th grade.
    • If the mentioned items or other various supplies are needed, these can be provided.  Please contact your school counselor. 



  • Hallway lockers will be assigned by request.  This process will begin on August 31st through the main office.  Requests will be collected and lockers will be assigned after Labor Day. 
  • Gym lockers will be available for PE students through their PE class. 
  • Students are encouraged to not share their locker combinations and if using a locker, be sure it is shut and secure before walking away.



Drinking Fountains


  • There are 5 touchless bottle filling stations in the school.  One at each of the grade level hallways, one at the entrance of the Art/CTE Hall and one in the cafeteria. 
  • We encourage all students to use a water bottle. 




  • Hygiene signage will be posted in all restrooms. 
  • High touch points in the restrooms will be cleaned throughout the day.
  • Restrooms will be cleaned and sanitized nightly. 



The GREAT Room (Library/Media Center)

  • Library books will be accessed through a digital request form.
  • The GREAT room will be open in the mornings and after school for students to check out books. 



  • Gym lockers will be available for gym students through their PE class. 
  • Students are encouraged to not share their locker combinations and if using a locker, be sure it is shut and secure before walking away.
  • Sanitization supplies have been placed in high traffic areas.



Main Office


Ms. LaDena Saxey



  • Disposable face masks will be located in the Main Office for those who arrive and would like one.
  • All parents/patrons will be required to sign in–date, time, name, name of student, purpose and location of visit.  Photo ID is required to check students out. 
  • When possible, please call or email for information: Main Office–801-826-6800, ladena.saxey@canyonsdistrict.org.


Attendance Office


Ms. Melissa Christensen



  • Parents are encouraged to call and check out students prior to arriving at the school so that students can be in the office ready for pick up.  Parents will be directed to wait for their student in the vestibule rather than come into the Main Office.
  • Photo ID is required to check students out. 
  • Parents are encouraged to call (801-826-6810) for all-day (or multiple day) absences with as much prior notice as possible.



Counseling Center




Mental Health


  • On Friday our bell schedule is adjusted to accommodate a 25 minute Bruins’ Time.
  • Bruins’ Time is intended to support students’ mental health development and build stronger school community connections. 
  • Lessons in Bruins’ Time focus on team building, Stop, Walk and Talk (anti-bullying program), and Utah’s Portrait of a Graduate..
  • Students will have access to (3) guidance counselors, (1) school social worker, and (1) school psychologist.



Too sick for school?

  • Students (parents) and staff will be encouraged to do a daily symptom checklist prior to coming to school.  We encourage students and staff to stay home if they are exhibiting any symptoms.
  • Students and staff should be symptom free for at least 24 hours before returning to school
  • Teachers will have assignments on Canvas so if students stay home from school due to symptoms or illness, they have access to the assignments.



Canyons District/Butler Middle Learning




In-person instruction:

  • Neighborhood school.
  • School-based teachers.
  • In person teaching in the classroom with all assignments through Canvas.
  • Traditional grading.
  • Special education services delivered as outlined in the IEP.
  • All school related services available.



Online Instruction:

  • District Online School, Principal: Ms. Michelle Shimmin
  • Middle School Subjects: English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies.
  • Students are expected to remain enrolled in online instruction for the school year.
  • All related services available (guidance counseling, social-emotional supports, school- based activities, nutrition (for those who qualify).



Safety Drills


·       As the alarm sounds, students exit the building following their classroom evacuation route

·       Students line up in their teacher’s assigned area in the field to the west of the school

·       Teachers take roll and report accountability to administration

·       When the drill is completed, students are directed to return to class with their teacher


If there is a fire, parents are notified via Skylert.  If students and staff are unable to reenter the building, students would most likely relocate to Brighton High School where parents would be directed to pick up their student(s).


Shelter In Place – A shelter in place is used to keep students and staff safe indoors when there is a threat or hazard outside of the building.


·       An administrator announces the shelter in place drill

·       Teachers close their classroom doors and teach as usual

·       Any outside activities are brought inside (ex: PE activities)

·       Perimeter doors are locked (including the main entrance doors)

·       Restroom visits are kept at a minimum for duration of the drill


If there is a need for a shelter in place, administration would work with the District and Cottonwood Heights Police Department.  Depending upon the specific situation, students remain in the classroom until the situation is resolved.  Parents are notified by Skylert.



·       An administrator announces the earthquake drill

·       Students are to duck and cover as taught to avoid falling debris

·       During a drill, students would then evacuate utilizing the fire drill procedures


In case of an actual earthquake, students are to duck and cover until the shaking ceases.  At this point, administration will assess the damage and determine if an evacuation is necessary.  (If evacuation is necessary, students will follow the fire drill evacuation procedures.  Parents would be notified via Skylert where to reunite with their student.)


Lockdown – A lockdown is used when there is an immediate safety threat in or around the school.  A lockdown’s purpose is to minimize visibility while sheltering students, staff and any visitors.


·       Administration announces a lockdown over the intercom

·       Teachers quickly scan the hallway and close and lock their classroom door

·       Students quickly move within the classroom to areas not easily visible from the door or window

·       Students should stay off cell phones and remain quiet and calm

·       Administration will announce the end of the drill

·       Often the Cottonwood Heights Police Department will assist with walking the building during the drill


In an actual lockdown within the school building,

·       students outside the building would be directed by a teacher to the closest place to hide out of sight or to move to Brighton High School. 

·       students and staff inside the building will follow the lockdown drill procedures.  Students and staff will remain in classrooms until the threat has ended. 

·       Law enforcement and administration will unlock classroom doors and give directions to students and staff. 

·       Parents will be notified via Skylert the procedures for reuniting with their student(s).