7530 South 2700 E, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Welcome Back!


Welcome to Butler Middle School!! We are excited about the coming school year and hope that you are as well.  I know that there are a lot of questions as you being the registration process.  

Please see our BMS Return to School plan posted on the website to review the various changes we are implementing to increase safety for our staff and students. 

We wanted to send out some information about registration.  While most of this information is found in the online registration, we wanted to send out a few of the upcoming dates for those of you who like to plan ahead.  Here are a few of the upcoming dates:

  • Online Registration                                        Begins on July 27th   

Starting July 27th, parents need to register students through the online registration process.  In this process you will select either in person or online learning.  This process is also to update and accumulate necessary information and pay registration fees.  Due to complications of this year’s registration process, student schedules will be available starting on August 19th at 3:00 pm.

  • Space Available Busing Permits                    Available beginning August 3, 8 AM

Busing is provided to students enrolled in K-6 grades who live at least 1.5 miles from school and to 7-12 grade students who live at least 2 miles from school.  So, we do have 6th graders who will ride the bus while an older sibling may not qualify.  Our Transportation Department has a protocol for non-qualifying students to request transportation services so they can ride with their qualifying siblings or neighbors — if, indeed, there is space is available on the bus.  

For the 2020-2021 school year, “space-available” permits will be granted on a first-come, first-served, space-available basis. Families seeking the permits need to obtain and submit the permit requests at the school where their children are enrolled. Forms will be accessible on line starting on Aug. 3.  You should have received a flyer.  Please check the district website.  The online system will notify applicants of approved permits.  Notification of approval comes Sept. 11.  Students waiting for “space-available” slots, are not approved to ride the bus prior to approved notifications. Questions should be addressed by the Transportation Department—801-826-5251.  

  • Back to School Night                                      August 19, digitally  

Typically this is an information evening.  This year, the information will be shared through a digital format.  More information to come.  

  • 6th Grade Orientation                                     August 21, 7:55 AM-11:55 AM

This is an orientation for our incoming 6th grade students. Buses will run their routes.  We will start outside on the south side of the building at 7:55 AM.  Students will line up with their 1st period class.  Students will then run through an A day schedule with time in each class to learn about some difference aspects of middle school.  This is for students only.  

  • 7th/8th Grade Orientation                               August 21, 7:55 AM-11:55 AM

This is an orientation for 7th and/or 8th grade students who are new to Butler Middle. You are invite to attend the orientation.  Buses will run their routes.  We will start outside on the north side of the building at 7:55 AM.  7th and 8th grade student will start the morning with Mr. Fonnesbeck.  While they will not be going their schedule, new students will learn about life at Butler Middle.  This is for students only.    

  • First Day of School                                          August 24, 7:55-2:50
  • First Late Start Friday                                     August 28, 9:30-2:50

Friday mornings middle schools have a late start for students.  Teachers meet to collaborate and discuss student progress and to collaborate on assessments, curriculum, and teaching strategies. All Fridays are a late start.  School will begin at 9:30. 

  • School Pictures                                               August 26, math classes
  • Bruins Den                                                      Begins Sept. 1 from 3-4 PM, Media Center

We offer a homework help after school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  This runs from 3-4 in the media center.  All students are welcome to attend and work on their homework.  Two teachers are present to supervise and assist with the homework.  

  • Parent Teacher Conferences                          September 22 & 23, 4:00-7:30

Parent teacher conferences at BMS.  More information will come out about this and a parent letter with the information about signing up for a time will be sent out on September 11.  

We are excited about the coming school year and we hope that you are as well. I hope you are enjoying some quality time with your children.  They change so quickly at this time of life. I hope this information is helpful to you as you get started preparing for the coming school year.  We are anticipating 936 students for the coming year with just over 300 in each grade.  We are not accepting any permits at this time.  All requests are on waiting list.  

We do have two areas for parents to become more involved at the school.

  • School Community Council–we are looking for 5-8 parents to participate in our SCC for the coming year.  It is a two-year commitment.  We have meetings on a monthly basis.  This past year those meetings have been on the 3rd Wednesday at 3:30. Meetings run about 1-1½ hours.  The SCC reviews the school goals, sets the Landtrust and TSSP Budgets, works with the school personnel to review data and refine or set different goals for the coming years.  Our goals over the past few years have focused on literacy.  Once we have a committee for the coming year, we will set a meeting schedule with the new members and their schedules.  If you are interested in participating on the SCC for the 2020-2021 school year, please contact  Ms. Sara Allen, sara.allen@canyonsdistrict.org.
  • Butler Middle School PTSA is excited to welcome you and your student to Butler Middle School, home of Great Bruins! At BMS our association is a Parent Teacher Student Association. We invite you AND your student to join our BMS PTSA during on-line registration this summer and hope you will choose to be involved. BMS PTSA works with teachers, administrators, parent volunteers and students to provide fun and enriching activities, assemblies, spirit wear and the popular must have Memory Book (think middle school year book)! BMS PTSA is a great way to be involved in your students ‘school life’ as well as opportunities to associate more with our great teachers, administrators and school staffServing as a chairperson, board position or committee member at the Middle School level is fun and not nearly as time intensive as the Elementary Schools. You can do it! You don’t have to have special skills or abilities just a willingness to serve and volunteer a little time and effort for our wonderful BMS community.  Feel free to contact us at butlerptsa@gmail.com.

Whew!!!  That is a lot of information!!  Let me know if you have questions or if you want to participate in SCC or PTSA.  We would love to get to know you better.  

Have a great day and remember . . .

It’s always a GREAT day to be a BRUIN! 

Thank you,

Ms. Paula Logan


Butler Middle School

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