7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

The Bruin Bite – January 31, 2020



It’s hard to believe we are officially halfway through the school year.  This year is going so fast! January has been a busy month for our counselors as they have been meeting with 8th grade students and parents preparing them for high school and College and Career goals.  


Next week is Counselor Appreciation Week.  We are thankful for our Counselors and everyone in the Counseling Center for all their hard work and dedication to our students.  Besides working on the CCR’s with our 8th graders, our counseling department runs a variety of student support workshops. So far this year we have had student workshops dealing with self-regulation, anxiety/coping, building self-advocacy, executive functioning, social skills, study skills, and LGBTQ+.  The support and care from our counselors, social worker, and school psychologist make a huge difference with many of our students. Thank you!

Report Cards

2nd Quarter grades have been finalized.  To view and/or print a copy of your students 2nd Quarter Report Card, login to Skyward and follow the instructions below.  If you do not have a device to see this information, please contact the main office at (801) 826-6800. Honor Roll Certificates will be printed and handed out to students at the school.


Parent Instructions to view and/or print Student Report Card

  • Go to the Canyons District web page www.canyonsdistrict.orgd
  • Click Skyward 
  • Click Family Access
  • Login to Skyward Family Access with your parent login and password 
  • Click on Student Password/Report Cards/SAGE Results (left side of screen)
    • If you have multiple students, choose the student from the top of your screen
  • Click on the 2019-20 Report Card Term that you want to view
  • Click View Report Card


Honor Roll Certificates-Honor Roll certificates will be printed and handed out next week.  Honor Roll is awarded to all students who achieved a 3:5 or higher for the term.  This term we have 343 students who earned an honor roll certificate. Congratulations!


BMS Teacher of the Year Nominations–Due by Monday, February 3

We appreciate the nominations we have received so far, thank you.  The PTSA and school work together to recognize all teachers who are nominated.  Nominations for the BMS Teacher of the Year will be accepted through February 3rd.  Hopefully you have been thinking about who you want to nominate for 2020’s Teacher of the Year.   All nominees are recognized by the school and the PTSA. Per tradition, Canyons District recognizes a Teacher of the Year from every Canyons school for outstanding teaching practices, professionalism, and community involvement.  Every school-based Teacher of the Year receives gifts and prizes donated by CSD’s generous business partners. Nominations can be sent to the PTSA, dropped off in the main office or you can email the nomination to either the PTSA or to Ms. Logan. Last year’s BMS Teacher of the Year was Ms. Susan Kirkland, 8th Grade ELA.   


Student Progress

As 3rd Quarter begins, it gives you an opportunity to talk with your students about their progress this year—what have they learned and how are they applying it.  Perhaps they learned more about healthy eating or ways to exercise; maybe they expanded their numeracy skills or reading skills; perhaps they were able to share their artwork or musical/drama talents.  It might be an interesting activity to talk with your children about one new idea/skill they have enjoyed learning this year. How have they built that knowledge? How are they applying it? I say interesting  because I am sure many of these conversations will be like pulling teeth at the beginning. But the end is worth it. It can be a chance for you to recognize and appreciate what your children are learning and for them to see you recognize and appreciate it.  It might be they are learning an instrument, sport or improving their reading, math, art, or musical skills. There is so much knowledge in the world. As we learn new things, it is important to consider how we are using the information to impact our lives and others around us.  Perhaps as a family you might pick a different culture, religion, academic concept, or something and deepen your family’s knowledge in a specific area. Then as a family you could have an activity to use that knowledge. So, if you are willing, that is a challenge for the coming month.  My challenge for this month is to read Malcolm Gladwell’s book Talking with Strangers. Let’s all build our knowledge. 


PTSA Tissue Drive

“May the Force be TISSUE!”  Butler Middle School PTSA is holding a tissue drive and class contest to help us make it through this cold and flu season.  The tissue drive and contest runs through Friday, February 7th. Please have your students drop off donations in their grade designated boxes in the cafeteria.  There will be a reward given to the grade who donates the most tissues. Thank you for your support! Tissues can also be ordered online from any retailer and shipped directly to the school:

Butler Middle School

Attn: PTSA, (6th, 7th, or 8th) Grade

7530 S. 2700 E.

Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121


PTSA Opportunity

The PTSA President oversees school PTSA programs, runs monthly meetings, and can attend district and council PTSA meetings. While this is a simplified explanation of the role, the person who steps into this role mid-year will receive a well running PTSA machine!  All arms of our Butler Middle PTSA are functioning well with strong individuals leading. The President works with the Executive Committee (treasurer and secretary) to oversee the budget and any communications to our school-wide PTSA members. The time commitment each month  varies between 5-10 hours (the exception being back to school projects in August which are more time consuming). Please email Liz Maravilla, the current PTSA president, if you would be able to help our PTSA beginning this month (lizmaravilla@gmail.com).


Brighton Ski Resort “Snow Blitz” Program

Butler is participating in Brighton Ski Resort’s Snow Blitz Program beginning February 12th.  The session includes lessons, lift pass and transportation for four nights. Rentals are also available.  Snow Blitz is designed for all skill levels. Ms. Heindel will oversee the program. If you have questions, please contact the Counseling Center at (801) 826-6820.  To register go to Salt Lake County Parks & Recreation website at SLCO.ORG.


After School Basketball

It’s that time of year again!  Our after school basketball program started yesterday (January 30th).  Open Gyms will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 to 4:00 through March 12th.  Our Butler Tournament will begin March 17th.  Winning teams will go to the District Tournament at Jordan High School on March 31, April 1 and April  2. If your child is interested, please have them see Ms. Schneggenburger in classroom B206.



Our goal for attendance is to have 85% of our students who miss less than 2 days in a quarter.  We realize there are things that happen and students do miss school, but research (and our own school data) shows that students who attend more, learn more and get better grades, higher GPAs and are more likely to graduate from high school.  Attendance is one of the strongest early indicators of high school success. We appreciate that you are making attendance a priority as well. Remember “Be Great Miss Less than 8”. That averages out to 1 day a month. I challenge you to work with your child to be in school and not miss more than 1 day a month.First quarter we had 87% and second quarter we were at 82%. The trend is that attendance drops each quarter. Let’s see if we can change that trend!

Build-A-Bruin – In our 1st period classes we have an ongoing competition.  Each classroom has a Bruin with 10 puzzle pieces. Each day that 85% of the class is on time and in attendance, they get a puzzle piece.  The following first period classes earned a Bruin in the last two weeks:

o    Mr. Chen

o    Counseling Center (A Day)

o    Ms. Dunleavy (A and B Day)

o    Ms. Duzett

o    Mr. Evans

o    Ms. Griffiths (A and B Day)

o    Mrs. Hemingway

o    Ms. Kirkland

o    Ms. Lair-Mawdsley 

o    Main Office (B Day)

o    Mr. Otto

o    Mrs. Roper (A Day)

o    Ms. Sollis

o    Ms. Stanton


Contacting Teachers

There are two ways to contact teachers: 

o   Email; firstname.lastname@canyonsdistrict.org

o   Call the Main Office at (801) 826-6800 and leave a message

Once you have sent an email and/or left a message, please allow 24-48 hours for a response.  If you are coming to the building to meet with a teacher, we encourage you to set an appointment.  This helps every know when, where and why so the meeting/appointment can address the concerns productively.  There are various meetings, classes and activities that involve teachers after school. We have our school faculty meetings on Mondays after school.  Beyond that, teachers are involved in various trainings, Bruins Den, Math Help, after school activities, student meetings, etc. While these are not every day, it is frustrating for everyone when a drop-in meeting cannot be accommodated.

Upcoming Events

  • February 4                   5th Grade Orientation; 10:00 a.m.

                                   6th Grade Registration Assembly; 5th Period

                                                7th Grade Registration Assembly; 6th Period

  • February 5                   8th Grade BHS Rah Rah Assembly; 10:00 a.m.

                                                5th Grade Open House; 5:30 p.m.

                                                Battle of the Books; Lunch

  • February 6                   Shelter-in-Place Drill; 1st Period

                                               Book Club; Lunch

                                               8th Grade BHS Parent Night; 5:30 p.m.

  • February 17                  No School; Presidents Day
  • February 19                  Battle of the Books; Lunch
  • February 20                  Spring Pictures

                                                3rd Quarter Mid-Term Progress Reports

  • February 21                  Golden Bruin National Sticky Bun Day
  • February 25 & 26         Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • February 28                  No School; Teacher Comp Day


After-School Activities

  • Bruins Den                   Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; 3:00 in the GREAT Room
  • Show Choir                  Monday and Wednesday; 3:00 with Ms. Chipman
  • Jazz Band                    Tuesday; 7:00 and Thursday; 3:00 with Mr. Tellez
  • Math Help                    Tuesday and/or Thursday; 3:00 in grade-level math classrooms
  • Sewing Lab                  Monday and Wednesday; 3:00 with Mrs. Roper
  • Basketball                    Tuesday and Thursday; 3:00 with Mrs. Schneggenburger (Gym


Parent Resources

  • Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

In response to the outbreak of a novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) occurring in China, the Salt Lake County Health Department has released guidance regarding symptomatic students and employees who may have recently traveled to China. While novel coronavirus has not reached Utah — to date, there have been no documented cases within the state — and health officials say the threat remains low, Canyons District schools are taking precautions in adherence with these guidelines:  Link to Health Department Guidance. Additional information about steps our schools routinely take to prevent the spread of disease can be found on the district website at canyonsdistrict.org.


Help Wanted

Our Lunch Manager is looking for a cashier.  If you’re interested you can apply online under ESP job openings on the district website.  Call Ms. Dawn Butcher at (801) 826-6845 between 6:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. with questions.


Have a GREAT weekend and remember…


          It’s Always a GREAT Day to be a Bruin!


BMS Administration–Ms. Paula Logan, Mr. Doug Hallenbeck, Ms. Sara Allen


Ongoing Items – These items have been addressed before, but you may need the information again.


Bruins Den – February 4, 5 and 6.

The Bruins Den is available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:00 in the GREAT Room.  This is a time for students to complete homework and/or get help from teachers.  Each afternoon, two teachers are available in the GREAT Room to assist students with homework.  Students can work on their own or get assistance from a teacher. Computers are available for homework.

Volunteers – If you would like to volunteer in a classroom or as a chaperone, you do have to complete the volunteer application.  Anyone volunteering at the school, must complete an online form. You can call the Main Office at 801-826-6800 for more information or go to https://volunteer.canyonsdistrict.org/volunteer.  This is required of anyone who is volunteering in the school—even to help supervise on a field trip. We encourage anyone who even thinks they might be interested in volunteering at the school to complete the form now.  Thanks! We would love to have you as a volunteer.