7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

The Bruin Bite (Grading) — April 23

Greetings BMS Parents and Students, 

We have some final clarifications and information we would like to share with you.  Hopefully this eases some of your anxiety and answers questions you may have.  As always, if you have questions please contact the Main Office or email me.  


  1. Grades for the 4thterm for middle school—This was sent out in an email to parents this morning.  Teachers learned of this at about the same time.  Please give our teachers until Friday afternoon to make those changes in Skyward.  By Monday, the grading scale should be corrected in all courses.  
    1. The district protocol for final grades will be as follows:Grading Procedures 2020[1].docx , Span.Grading Procedures 2020.docx 




85% – 100%


70% – 84%

Pass (P)

45% – 69%

No Grade (NG)

0% – 44%

  1. There will be no citizenship grades for the 4thterm.

2.End of Year Procedures

    1. The last day of new instruction will be May 15th.
    2. The week of May 18th– 22ndwill be a work completion week. 
    3. Starting on May 20th and through May 29th we will be collecting Chromebooks, library books and instruments as well as any additional items you may need to return to the school.  At this point we are anticipating using our student drop off lane and having you drive through and drop off.   We will have staff to check in the Chromebooks and charging cords.  Students or parents will be asked to check in the Chromebook with staff, and then place it in the appropriate cart.  This process may take a little while as we distributed over 250 Chromebooks.  Please be patient and please use appropriate social distancing while waiting.
  1. Memory Books 
    1. We currently do not have a set delivery date for our memory books. We believe they will be delivered to the school May 22nd.  We will plan for curbside distribution.  Please stay tuned for exact times and dates for pick up.  You can check to see if you purchased one through your fees in Skyward. 
    2. We do not have a specific plan for “signing” memory books.  It is likely this will have to be put off until next school year due to social distancing.  We are currently brainstorming ideas.    
  1. School Pictures
    1. Spring Pictures arrived.  We are mailing those to the families who ordered pictures.
  1. Math Books for the summer: There is a Unit 9 Review Book for students to optionally use over the summer.  Students can pick this up during locker clean out.   

BMS Student Locker Clean Out

We are sad to know that the school dismissal is through the end of this school year.  We hope you are connecting with classes and counselors through the Google Meets and Canvas discussions.  We know this is difficult time for each of us in very different ways.  Our hearts are with you.  

Many of you have items in your lockers, and we wanted to create a safe structure for you to come retrieve those items.  

Please read through the following directions related to your lockers.  

Students may come to clean out their gym and hallway lockers and retrieve other materials, according to the attached schedule, April 27-May 1.  If the scheduled time cannot work for you, please call the main office and we can schedule a different time, the following week. Students will have about 15 minutes to gather and remove all of the items they’d like to take home for the summer and put items they don’t want in the provided garbage cans. A plastic bag will be provided at the school. 

It will be helpful if students review their locker number and combinations prior to coming to the school. Their hallway locker information can be found on Skyward. Their gym locker information should be written down in their planners. Please be aware we cannot send home locker or classroom items for students who are not present.

We encourage students to practice social distancing (at least six feet) and to wear a face mask throughout this procedure. The double doors to instructional hallways will be locked and hallway restrooms will be closed.

  1. Drop Off: Parents drop students off at the northeast end of the building near the gym. Students line up along the east sidewalk, one person at each cone. Parents park in the south parking lot to wait for students to exit. As a health/safety precaution, only students will be allowed into the building for locker clean out – no parents, siblings, friends.
  2. Entering the Building: Students enter the east gym door 1-2 at a time every 1-2 minutes. Clearly state your first and last name to the check in person as you enter. Students will be asked to sanitize their hands as they enter.  You will be given colored name sticker to identify your grade level and to help us track who has come and who has left.  
  3. Gym Locker (2-3 minutes): Clean out your gym locker first, if you have one. If you can’t remember your combination, let one of the supervising adults know. They will look it up for you. Remove all items from your gym locker. Throw away any items you don’t want into the provided garbage cans. Go directly to your hallway locker.
  4. Hallway Locker (2-3 minutes): If you need help opening your locker, let one of the supervising adults know. They can open your locker with a master key. Clean out your hallway locker, removing all items. Please put any trash in the garbage cans provided in the hallways. Go directly to the cafeteria to pick up class items.
  5. Cafeteria/FCS (10 minutes): In the weekly team newsletter, your teachers let you know what additional items are available for pick up in the cafeteria. Materials are organized by subject, teacher, class period or alphabetically. Look for the signs at the end of the tables and by the groups of items. FCS student materials may be retrieved directly from the FCS classroom. Be sure to check the Lost and Found table, if you are looking for any missing items. Put anything you don’t want to keep in the provided garbage cans. Go directly to the south doors by the bus loading zone to exit the building.
  6. Exiting the Building: Clearly state your first and last name to the check-out person as you exit the building.  The person at the door will collect your name sticker.  Meet up with your ride and return home.