7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

The Bruin Bite – 5 February


Thank you for your help with the masks.  We saw a marked improvement with our students this week.  I appreciate your time and willingness to assist us.  

Morning/Afternoon Pick up/Drop off – We need your help.  Please remember that it takes all of us doing our part to make the drop off run safely.  And safely is our goal.  

  1. Please work with your student for a 5 second drop off.  When you are stopped for 30 seconds while talking about things or packing up a bag, it interrupts and halts the drop off lane.  If you need additional time, please park. Have your student gather items.  Then walk along the parked cars to a crosswalk.   
  2. Speed–the speed limit is 10 miles an hour both before and after you have dropped off your child.  We are concerned with the number of cars that speed away much faster than 10 mph.  Remember our goal is that everyone is safe.  Including other people and students not in your car. 
  3. All drop offs should be from the right side of the car so your child steps out of your car and onto the walkway in front of the school.  Do not risk your child’s safety by having them step out into the traffic.  
  4. The red bus zone on the South side of the school IS NOT a pick up/drop off area.  Please DO NOT pick up/drop off your child in this area.  It is unsafe to stop and let your child off to cross traffic and then flip a U-Turn.  It is also unsafe to flip a U-Turn and drop your child off in the bus zone.  
  5. Your help in this area is greatly appreciated.  We know that on snowy or rainy days there is a lot of traffic.  Please plan on this and take your time.  

PTSA Tissue Drive – It’s that time of year when Butler has our annual tissue drive.  The PTSA have set up grade-level boxes for donations.  Be sure to drop your donations in your grade-level box.  The grade with the most donations will win a prize.  The tissue drive will go through February 16th.  Thank you for your support!

Memory Book Cover Congratulations to Anna Evans, 7th grade!  Anna’s art work was chosen to be on the cover of our 2020-21 Memory Book.  All the art submitted will appear somewhere in the memory book.


2021-2022 Course Request Process – We have started the course request process for the coming year.  On Wednesday, our 6th and 7th grade students received information and course request cards in their ELA class.  Students have through the weekend to review options and make selections for next year.  You should have received an email with backup documents in case your child’s don’t make it home.  


Online Parents/Student and Course Requests:  Due to the ever changing nature of COVID, we are currently asking for all students (in person and online) to complete the course request materials as if we will all be in person next year.  We are doing this because it keeps all student information in the same place and creates a baseline for scheduling classes to create a school schedule that allows for students to be in chosen electives.  Many online students are attending some electives in person.  There is a district committee working on options for online for next year (COVID 2.0).  At this point, there is not a specific plan that you can sign up with.  There will be a plan.  For now, we are completing the course request cards so that if all is well, we have schedule for all our students.  We do believe that an online plan is needed, and the district committee is working on defining and organizing this structure.  I imagine it will be a couple of months before we know more details. This may be unsettling, but do not panic.  There will be an online option.  Again for now, we just ask your child to complete the course requests.  If you are leaning into being unsettled or panicking, please call me or email and we will talk it through.  


6th Grade Parents – Next year as you register for 7th grade, we do require additional immunizations.  We start letting you know now so that as you have upcoming doctor appointments, you can make plans to complete these.  This information is to be sent to the Main Office.   You are welcome to have your doctor fax this information to 801-826-6809. 7th Grade Immunization Requirements 

Build-A-Bruin – The following 1st period classes reached their classroom goal and got to spin the wheel for prizes:

  • Senora Cole B Day
  • Mrs. Hemingway
  • Mrs. Stanton

Upcoming Events

  • February 10 – PTSA, Zoom Meeting, 5:30
  • February 11 – Spirit Day–Wear Valentine Colors
  • February 15 – No School (Presidents’ Day)
  • February 17 – Spring Pictures
  • February 17 – SCC Zoom Meeting; 3:30 p.m.
  • February 18 – Midterms
  • February 18 – Art Fest
  • February 18 – Spirit Wear/Butler School Colors
  • February 23 & 24 – Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences; 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
  • February 26 – No School (Comp Day)

Help Wanted – BMS is looking for a 19 hour ParaEducator.  If you are interested, or know of someone who might be interested, please contact Ms. Sara Allen at (801) 826-6813.

If there is anything we can do to support you and your student, please let us know.  And remember,

It’s always a GREAT day . . . To be a BRUIN!!!

Ms. Paula Logan 

Ongoing Items – These items have been addressed before, but may be needed again.

Bruins Den – February 9, 10, and 11.  The Bruins Den is available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the GREAT Room.  This is a time for students to complete homework and/or get help from teachers.  Each afternoon, two teachers are available in the GREAT Room to assist with student homework.  Students can work on their own or get assistance from a teacher.  Computers are available for homework.

Masks and New Quarantine Guidelines.  So with the new guidelines related to quarantines, (if both students are wearing masks correctly, the student exposed does not have to quarantine), we are being very cautious about the masks.  As we anticipate masks the rest of this year and possibly the first half of next year, it might be time to check in on the masks your children are wearing.  We are seeing several bandanas that are not fitting snugly under the chin.  In that case, it would be necessary to quarantine.  Please review this and the state of your child’s masks.  We have cloth masks in the office if your child needs one or two.  Just have them stop by the Main Office and ask.  Next week we will be reviewing this with the students in our daily announcements.  

  • “Face mask” means a face covering that:
  • covers the nose and mouth;
  • must not have see-through openings that allow a view of the nose or mouth;
  • is made of synthetic or natural fabrics;
  • secures under the chin;
  • fits snuggly against the nose and sides of the face; and
  • does not have an exhalation valve or vent.