7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

The Bruin Bite — 25 February


Well, this has been a COLD week!!!  It looks like next week will be a bit warmer.  Let’s all hope for warmer days and more sunshine!!!  We have been inside all week during the mornings.  When we do have an inside day, the main doors open at 7:30 and on Fridays at 9:00.  On Fridays we direct students to the cafeteria until 9:15.  With teachers in meetings until 9:15 most days, we do this for safety and supervision reasons.  

Just as a reminder, Inside Days are when the “FEELS LIKE” temperature is below 22 degrees Fahrenheit or there is significant wind or wet weather.  This is the same practice that is in our elementary schools.  On those inside days, you will see signage at the front doors.  Doors/Classrooms opened at 7:30 a.m.  Students are always welcome to go outside during lunch.  We post the air quality each day for students, and on rainy or wet days we discourage students from going outside.  They do not always listen.  It is likely as things warm up that we will have more outside days.


Parent Teacher Conferences – Tuesday and Wednesday, March 1st and March 2nd.  March 1st will be in person appointments and March 2nd will be Zoom/online appointments.  We had a lot of feedback from parents that indicated you really appreciated the specific appointment structure.  Please sign up.  BMS Parent Teacher Conferences Winter 2022.pdf  As a reminder, there will be no Bruins Den after school next week.  And as a reminder we do not have school on Friday as a compensatory day for the staff due to the long days on Tuesday and Wednesday.  

6th Grade Parents – It is a good time to start thinking about getting 7th grade immunizations.7th Grade Immunization Requirements 

8th Grade Career Day – Today our counseling department sponsored a Career Fair for our 8th grade students.  There were 10 presenters from a variety of careers–Communications, Entrepreneurship, Construction, Military, Marking, Film Rigging, and 5 from the Medical Field..  A huge thank you to Ms. Heindel for putting this together.  Also a huge THANK YOU to parents and community members who presented and talked with our students about future possibilities.  Students were able to attend 5 different presentations.  It was a big success–Be sure to ask your 8th grader about it.  Which presentation did they enjoy the most?  What area seemed most intriguing?  Did they learn something they hadn’t thought about in relation to any of the presentations they attended? 

PTSA Announcements –

  • Pizza Party!!  Earn a pizza party for your 4A class!

Papa Murphy’s is partnering with us for our February partnership night February 23-28th. They will donate a portion of sales from Butler Middle School families back to our school.The best part? The 1A class that brings in the most money will get a pizza party!

Flyers with codes for your 1A class period were sent home Wednesday.  There are extras in the main office . Share with your friends and family. And get ready for pizza!

  • Help Wanted

Hey parents, we need your help for our next year’s PTSA Board of Directors. We have several positions still available. Please email your contact information to the PTSA @ butlerptsa@gmail.com

  • Memory books for sale $35 please pre-order your copy today from the main office!!


We Need Help with Substitutes – If you are available, as a district and a school we are in dire need of people willing to substitute.  You can request specific schools.

Parent Resources – Here are a few articles about helping our children to have a growth mindset and working through failures or challenges.  

Also the District Student Services Department shared the following links that offer insights and resources to help talk with our children about war.  

  1. https://www.apa.org/topics/resilience/kids-war
  2. https://www.aacap.org/AACAP/Families_and_Youth/Facts_for_Families/FFF-Guide/Talking-To-Children-About-Terrorism-And-War-087.aspx
  3. https://www.verywellfamily.com/how-to-talk-to-kids-about-war-4147597
  4. https://www.today.com/parents/how-talk-children-about-war-age-age-guide-t171381
  5. https://www.commonsensemedia.org/blog/how-to-talk-to-kids-about-violence-crime-and-war
  6. https://www.nasponline.org/resources-and-publications/resources-and-podcasts/school-safety-and-crisis/school-violence-resources/talking-to-children-about-violence-tips-for-parents-and-teachers
  7. https://www.nasponline.org/resources-and-publications/resources-and-podcasts/school-safety-and-crisis/mental-health-resources/war-and-terrorism/helping-children-cope-with-terrorism


Upcoming Events

  • March 1-2                    PTC 4:00-7:30 (by appointment, T in person, W virtual/online)
  • March 3                       Fire Drill; 6th period
  • March 4                     No School, Teacher Compensation Day
  • March 8                       State Orchestra
  • March 9                       PTSA Meeting, 3:30 
  • March 18                     End of Quarter 

 And remember . . . 

It’s Always a GREAT Day to be a Bruin!!

Ms. Paula Logan


Ongoing Items:  These items have been addressed before, but you may need the information again. 

Bruins Den – No Bruins Den next week due to Parent Teacher Conferences.  Bruins Den will resume March 8, 9, and 10th.  The Bruins’ Den is available on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons from 3:00- 4:00 PM in the Media Center.  This is a time for students to complete homework and/or get help from teachers.  Each afternoon, two teachers are available in the Media Center to assist with student homework.  Students can work on their own or get assistance from a teacher.