7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

The Bruin Bite — 19 November 2021


It sure feels like Fall.  I love it and want to spend as much time as I can enjoying it.  I am looking forward to Thanksgiving Recess next week (no school Wednesday through Friday).  That gives me five days to get out and explore as much as I possibly can.  I hope you are planning some fun activities with your family.  I will not be sending the Bruin Bite out next week due to Thanksgiving Recess.

Remote Learning Friday – Our next Remote Learning Friday is December 3rd. It is an A Day.  Student work will be given.  For students who do not complete the Friday assignment, they will be marked as absent on that learning day.  Teachers will be at the school working and will use the time to create lesson plans and work one-on-one with students.  Staff will also be working on these days.  BMS Remote Learning Days.docx.pdf 

A sack lunch will be sent home with students on Thursday to help fuel their Friday learning.  All students will be offered a sack lunch, but they are not obligated to take one.  We have students request it through Canvas and then deliver them to 6th period.  More information can be found at canyonsdistrict.org.

Golden Bruin – Yesterday was our third Golden Bruin Award day.  Our Golden Bruins are students with a 3.8 GPA, all H’s no tardies, and no office referrals.  We pull that information from the previous quarter.  So from their Quarter 1 efforts, we have 143 students who have earned the Golden Bruin sticker.  This month we celebrated National Mickey Mouse Birthday with our Golden Bruins. Golden Bruins received a Mickey Mouse Pez Candy Dispenser at lunch.  Congratulations to all of these GREAT Golden Bruins! 

Parent Resources: This week in our Bruins Time, we are working with students from the NetSmartz Lessons and being responsible with social media. The following are links to information related to the lessons.   

Thank you to all the donations of treats for our faculty.  We have appreciated that dearly.  Chocolate and caffeine are often the keys that get me through those tough days. 

As it is Thanksgiving, I have had parents ask what they can do for our teachers and staff. This has been a surprisingly difficult year for our staff.  After last year, we thought this year would be much easier.  But as we have seen in the news, across the nation in most of our professions that work with the public there are staffing shortages and mental health challenges.  

 There are three things that would be deeply appreciated. 

1)    Assume the best—I believe sincerely that a parent should advocate for their student.  If you have concerns or questions, please contact the teacher, the counselor, the school.  As you make that contact, please assume that we want to help.  We are trying to do what is best from our perspective.  I understand we may not always agree on the next step, but we can hopefully understand that we are all trying.  

2)    Be Kind –I read this in a book (Relationship, Responsibility, and Regulation by Kirstin Van Marter) 

“I think we can all benefit from giving ourselves more time to reflect—to feel gratitude and appreciation, to give ourselves, and others more grace, and to contemplate how we can influence the world in more positive ways.  I want us to remember to be kind.  Life is hard and messy, and we could all use a little more kindness in our world.”

3)    A note of thanks—I have been an educator for 29 years.  The gifts that made the most impact are really a sincere note from a student or parent about how I was able to help or impact them in a positive way.  Those notes make a world of difference on the difficult days.  I would hope that especially this year, you consider working with your child to write notes to their teachers.  We hear when patrons are unhappy, it would be appreciated to hear about the good things as well. Nothing brightens a day like an authentic note of appreciation. 

4)    Help with substituting—We are in dire need of help to cover classes when a teacher is out.  This week we had multiple days with 2 or more teachers not covered by a sub.  We scramble and ask others teachers to cover during their preparation time.  They have been great to help.  It just adds to their stress and takes away the minimal time they have in their day to work on grading, lesson planning, updating Canvas, contacting parents, etc.  If you have the time, please help us out by signing up to be a substitute.

Emergency Substitutes – If you have the ability and the time, we need emergency substitutes.  You can sign up with the district to be a substitute and specify you only want BMS or a specific set of schools.  You can also contact Ms. LaDena Saxey to sign up to be an emergency sub or to find out more. You will need to complete a background check.  Call the main office at (801) 826-6800 between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. or email  ladena.saxey@canyonsdistict.org.

8th Grade PCCR Parent Meetings2021-22 PCCR Information Packet.pdf  Counselors have started their 8th grade Plan for College and Career Readiness (PCCR) meetings. In preparation for this meeting, counselors have conducted classroom lessons with all 8th grade students using Keys to Success. During these lessons students explored interests and career opportunities, researched an occupation and post-secondary possibilities, and investigated financial aid options.

The PCCR is a 25-35 minute individual meeting with you, your child, and your child’s counselor. We will prepare a 4-year high school course plan, identify possible career pathways, and review high school graduation requirements. Please review the attached packet that was also attached in the email sent by the counselors.

To make an appointment, login to your Skyward Family Access (if you have more than one student in Canyons School District Schools, choose All Students)

  1. On the left side click on Conferences 
  2. Click All Conferences next to the student’s name for whom you wish to schedule a conference
  3. Click Select a Time
  4. Choose the time you want and click Select next to that time (Status for that time slot must be open or select option will not appear)
  5. A window appears showing the appointment information, click Save
  6. You will receive a confirmation email. You will also receive a reminder email three days before and one day before your scheduled appointment.


  • Make sure to purchase your Memory Books! This could be a fun holiday present.  Purchase one now through the BMS Main Office for $30.
  • Time is running out to enter submissions for our Memory Book Cover Contest! You can pick up an entry form from the main office.  Entries are due by Tuesday, November 30th. 
  • Watch for our December Partnership Night.  More details to come.

Build-A-Bruin  – The following classes earned a Build-A-Bruin Bear this week:

  • Mrs. Giles
  • Coach Griffiths A and B Days
  • Mrs. Kirkland
  • Ms. Long
  • Mrs. Schneggenburger
  • Ms. Wilcox

Upcoming Events

  • November 23              United Assembly
  • November 23              2nd Quarter Mid Term (Progress Reports)
  • November 24-26         Thanksgiving Recess
  • December 3                 Remote Learning Friday
  • December 8                 Holiday Band and Orchestra Concert
  • December 13               Golden Bruin National Hot Cocoa Day
  • December 20 – 31        Winter Recess

Current After School Activities

  • Chess League               Mondays
  • Bruins Den                  Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
  • Math Help                   Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Math Counts                Wednesdays
  • Robotics League          Thursdays

If you are feeling that more than normal anxiety or stress is happening with you or your child, please let us know.  If you are noticing excessive amounts of homework, please contact us.  You can contact a teacher, the counselors, or the administration.   Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.  We are here to help.

And remember, 

It’s always a GREAT day. . . To be a BRUIN!!!

Ms. Paula Logan

Ongoing Items – These items have been addressed before, but you may need the information again.

  • Bruins Den – No Bruins Den next week due to Thanksgiving Recess.  The Bruins’ Den is available on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the GREAT Room.  This is a time for students to complete homework and/or get help from teachers.  Each afternoon, two teachers are available in the Media Center to assist with student homework.  Students can work on their own or get assistance from a teacher.  Computers are available for homework.
  • Wild Weather DaysAs the weather changes, we will experience more Inside Days.  Inside Days are when the “FEELS LIKE” temperature is below 22 degrees Fahrenheit or there is significant winds or wet weather.  This is the same practice that is in our elementary schools.  On those inside days, you will see signage at the front doors.  Doors/Classrooms are to be open at 7:30 a.m.  Students are always welcome to go outside during lunch.  We post the air quality each day for students, and on rainy or wet days we discourage students from going outside.  They do not always listen.