7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

The Bruin Bite – 19 February


WOW!  What a week of weather we have had.  The snow has been falling.  Wednesday was our first “virtual learning snow day”.  Mornings have been a bit tricky in the parking lot.  We are going to have to work with the grounds crew about clearing our drop off lane all the way through.  

3rd Quarter Progress Reports – Progress Reports for 3rd Quarter Progress have been finalized.  To view and/or print a copy of your students Progress Report, login to Skyward and follow the instructions below.  If you do not have a device to see this information, please contact the main office at (801) 826-6800.

Parent Instructions to view and/or print Student Progress Reports

  1.     Go to the Canyons District web page www.canyonsdistrict.org
  2.     Click Skyward 
  3.     Click Family Access 
  4.     Login to Skyward Family Access with your parent login and password 
  5.     Click on Student Password/Report Cards/SAGE Results from the left side of screen
  6.     If you have multiple students, choose the student from the top of your screen
  7.     Click on the 2020-21 Progress Report Term that you want to view
  8.     Click View Reports


Parent Teacher Conferences BMS Parent Teacher Conferences Winter 2021.docx Next week we  have Parent Teacher Conferences on Tuesday and Wednesday.  we have several openings, so we are encouraging anyone to sign up. A HUGE thank you to our PTSA and volunteers  for helping with feeding our staff on those long days.  It is always so helpful and appreciated.    

Course Requests/Registration Timeline 

  • BMS Honors Pathways.pdf 
  • Butler Middle School Frequently Asked Questions about Registration (4).pdf          
  • February— we collect course request numbers from students/review permits and boundary student numbers to determine how many permits we can facilitate. We have reviewed overall numbers and permits. Currently our incoming 6th is at 326, 7th grade at 307, and 8th grade at 315.  At the end of this month, we will look at open enrollment permits, likely accepting a few in 7th grade and then place the remaining students on a waiting list for next year.  We will look at permits and numbers again towards the end of June and the beginning of the school year.
  • March—look at funding and request numbers to determine courses for next year
  • April/May—create school schedule for next year—determine which combinations of courses each period fits the most student requests.
  • June/August—work with counselors to finalize student schedules, look at additional student requests
  • August—Parents register students online
  • ~August 9—Schedules available
  • August 13—6th Grade Orientation
  • August 16—School Starts

 6th Grade Parents – Next year as you register for 7th grade, we do require additional immunizations.  We start letting you know now so that as you have upcoming doctor appointments, you can make plans to complete these.  This information is to be sent to the Main Office.   You are welcome to have your doctor fax this information to 801-826-6809. ImmunizationRequirementsSeventhGrade2022ENG.pdf 


Golden Bruin Award – Thursday, February 11th was our 6th Golden Bruin Award day. This year our Golden Bruin award will be used to celebrate classes with the most work completed by the whole class. For this month we are celebrating National Peppermint Patty Day with the 2nd period B day classes who have the fewest missing assignments.  Our winner for 6th grade is Mrs. Sollis, 7th grade is Mr. Oliphant, 8th grade is Mrs. Stanton, and our elective is Coach Griffith’s 2B class.  Golden Bruin’s from these four classes received a Peppermint Patty and 10 Bruin Bucks.  Congratulations to all of these GREAT Golden Bruins!  Our next Golden Bruin day will be March 9th – National Waffle Day. We will pick a different class period next time, so get your missing assignments in and your class may be the next winner.


  • PTA Day at the Capitol – Student Tracks   Utah PTSA Student Day at the Capitol is going to all be online this year. Some events will be LIVE via Zoom (AND recorded to view later). Others will just be recorded videos. Everything is centered around the theme of “Rise Above.”  Please see the following website for the pre-recorded and live links. https://www.utahpta.org/day-capitol-student-tracks
  • Memory Books  Be sure to purchase the 2020-2021 Memory Book for your student! The price will increase to $30 in March. Order now and guarantee that your student will have a book at the end of the year! Support the Butler Middle School PTSA! This is Our ONLY PTSA Fundraiser. You can place your order on Skyward.

Build-A-Bruin – The following 1st period classes reached their classroom goal and got to spin the wheel for prizes:

  • Mrs. Dunleavy
  • Mr. Olsen
  • Mr. Sanderson
  • Mrs. Sollis

Upcoming Events

  • February 23 & 24 – Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences; 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
  • February 26 – No School (Comp Day)
  • March 14-31 – March Madness
  • March 16-18 – Talent Show Tryouts
  • March 19 – End of Term 3 

Help Wanted – BMS is looking for a 19 hour ParaEducator.  If you are interested, or know of someone who might be interested, please contact Ms. Sara Allen at (801) 826-6813.


If there is anything we can do to support you and your student, please let us know.  And remember,


It’s always a GREAT day . . . To be a BRUIN!!!

Ms. Paula Logan 

Ongoing Items – These items have been addressed before, but may be needed again.

Bruins Den – February 23, 24, and 25.  The Bruins Den is available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the GREAT Room.  This is a time for students to complete homework and/or get help from teachers.  Each afternoon, two teachers are available in the GREAT Room to assist with student homework.  Students can work on their own or get assistance from a teacher.  Computers are available for homework.