7530 South 2700 E, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

The Bruin Bite — 15 September


I am so happy to have this change in the weather.  It finally feels like Fall is on its way in.  We have  had a productive week. Teachers and students seem to have settled in.  Students are getting a little better about wearing their badges. 

We do have a few students who are not wearing their badges regularly.  Badges are expected to be worn every day.  They should  be on a lanyard and worn where they can be easily seen.  Please remind your children to have their badge and wear it every day.  Students can get another badge with 25 Bruins Bucks through the Main Office..


Midterms – Midterm Progress Reports have been posted to Skyward. To view and/or print a copy of your student’s Progress Report, login to your Family Access account in Skyward. If you do not have a device to see this information, please contact the main office at 801-826-6800.


Parent-Teacher Conferences -Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held September 27th and 28th from 4:00 to 7:45 p.m.  We will be having in person appointments on Tuesday the 27th and then virtual (Zoom or phone) appointments on Wednesday September 28th.  Watch for more  information about this and a parent letter with the information about signing up for a time.  It should be coming the first part of next week. 


Build-A-Bruin – We’re excited about our Build-A-Bruin program this year.  This has been very popular in past years.  Below is how it works:

  • 10-piece Bear puzzle for every day classes OR a 5-piece Bear puzzle for every other day classes.  A puzzle piece is added each time a 1st period class has 85% attendance.

  • When a bear is complete, the class receives a certificate, a small treat for the class, and an announcement will be made.  The class will spin the Build-A-Bruin wheel for prizes (mechanical pencils, chips, 5 Bruin Bucks, and many others).  The puzzle will then be reused to earn additional certificates and rewards.  This will continue through the remainder of the year.  The following classes earned a Build-A-Bruin Bear this week:

  • Mr. Chen

  • Ms. Dunleavy B Day

  • Ms. Phillips

  • Ms. Stanton

PTSA Corner: 

Upcoming Events

  • September 20             PTSA Partnership with Zupas 4 PM-9 PM (see attached flyer) 

  • September 23             Picture Make-Up Day

  • September 27           Parent Teacher Conferences; 4:00-7:45 p.m., in person 

  • September 28           Parent Teacher Conferences; 4:00-7:45 p.m., virtual/phone 

  • September 30            No School

  • October 10-14             College Week

  • October 12                SCC Meeting; 3:30 p.m. Main Office Conference Room

  • October 19                End of 1st Term

  • October 20 and 21        Fall Recess

  • October 24-28             Red Ribbon Week

After School Activities

  • Bruins Den                 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday; 3:00-4:00 p.m.

  • Cross Country            Tuesday and Thursday; 3:00-4:00 p.m.

  • Math Help                   Tuesday and Thursday; 3:00-4:00 p.m.

  • Robotics/Lego League        Thursday; 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Parent Resources – Each week I try to send home various articles or links that I think parents might find useful. This is just a resource that you as a parent might find interesting.  Sometimes I share my thoughts about it; sometimes I just share.  It takes a village to raise our children and to keep them safe.  I hope some of what I am able to send is helpful.  

Thank you for all that you do.  If you are feeling that more than normal anxiety or stress is happening, please let us know.  You can contact a teacher, the counselors, or the administration.  Please let us know if you have questions or concerns. We are here to help.


Have a great day and remember . . .

It’s always a GREAT day to be a BRUIN!


Ms. Paula Logan


Butler Middle School


Ongoing Items:  These items have been mentioned before and serve as a reminder:


  • Bruins Den – September 20, 21, and 22.  We offer homework help after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  This runs from 3:00 to 4:00 PM in the GREAT Room.  All students are welcome to attend and work on their homework. Two teachers are present to supervise and assist students.

We Need Your Help! 

  • PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE – Slow down in all school zones and watch for students at all crosswalks!  Our children are so precious and we need to watch out for them.  THANK YOU!

  • Student Check-Out – please call ahead to notify the office that you are checking out your student.  An ID must be presented to the attendance secretary in the main office.  You may then return to your vehicle or wait in the front vestibule for your student.

  • Doctor/Dentist Excusals – if your student has a doctor/dentist appointment, please send in a note from the doctor/dentist to excuse the absence (E).  We cannot excuse an absence without a note from the doctor/dentist.  We can mark that it is guardian excused with a G. 

  • Excusing Students – if your child will not be attending school, please contact the attendance office via email/phone to excuse them.  Our Attendance line is (801) 826-6810 or you can contact our Attendance Secretary at melissa.christensen@canyonsdistrict.org.

  • Food/Item Deliveries –As for food items, only individual lunches delivered by a parent will be delivered to a student and should only be when a student forgets to bring a lunch. We do not accept food deliveries from outside vendors for students.  Deliveries of school items will be announced for students to come down or possibly sent to the classroom.  Balloons or flowers or items that disrupt the school day are kept in the Main Office until the end of the day.  Thank you for your understanding.

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