7530 South 2700 E, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

The Bruin Bite — 12 November


This week started out with news from the Governor’s office which prompted us to send a Skylert Monday afternoon.  We did cancel after school activities through the Thanksgiving Recess.  We are hopeful that we can resume on November 30th.  We appreciate your help and care.  We have had several families who due to a social exposure or an ill family member have self-quarantined.  Thank you for helping to keep our school safe.  We truly  appreciate your efforts and hope that your family and loved ones and all members of the Butler Family will be healthy and safe through this pandemic.  Let’s all do our part!  

This week I had two parents email us about the good things they had noticed (THANK YOU).  This made me stop and reflect.  Sometimes we get so caught up in the challenges of the day, we forget to notice the good things that are happening.  I know that our teachers and our staff are working so hard to have supports in place for student learning–whether in person, online, or in quarantine.  Our admin team is working hard to support our teachers and students and oversee all the new structures and expectations and make that understandable to our staff and students.  Our students are trying to manage learning in a more virtual and evolving environment.  And parents–I don’t know how you are managing your work, personal, and family stresses.  Everyone is really trying.  And we all may be dropping some things.  This is a season of learning patience and perseverance for all of us.  Anyway, I appreciate those who have reached out to offer appreciate and support as we have faced the impacts of this pandemic.  You should know I believe you are doing amazing things in your home.  So, if you are feeling a bit unappreciated or overwhelmed, please take a moment to watch this video.  You are doing a good job!   Alicia Keys – Good Job | Cover by One Voice Children’s Choir | A Tribute to Covid-19 Heroes 

Social Gatherings – The majority of COVID situations in our school are from social exposures.  This might be from get-togethers with friends, colleagues and family, and youth extracurricular activities.  For this reason, the governor’s order directs Utahns to not socially gather with anyone from outside their immediate household.  Please practice the following precautions:

  • Wear a face mask anytime you are around people with whom you don’t live.
  • Maintain physical distance from those who aren’t in your household.
  • Practice good hand-washing hygiene (use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if you don’t have access to soap and water).
  • Stay home when you: are sick, have symptoms of COVID, have tested positive for COVID, or have been placed on quarantine.

School-Based Meetings – All previously-scheduled PTSA and School Community Council meetings will be conducted through Google Meets or Zoom.  If you are wanting to attend these meetings and do not receive an invite contact Mr. Ashbridge for PTSA and Ms. Allen for SCC

Snowy Days/Inside Days – This morning was a cold morning.  Thank you for your help in executing our second Wild Weather/Inside day.  Students did a great job entering and moving to classrooms.  At this point next week looks like most days will be Outside days.  We will keep our eye on the weather.  🙂  With snow already falling and in the forecast, there will be days when traveling to and from school may become challenging for families.  Please give yourself and child extra travel time to arrive at school safely and on time.  We do have more parents drive on these days which means there will be a longer wait time.  Having your child ready to exit (5 second drop off) is the expectation.  This becomes really important on the busier days.  

Veterans’ Day “Virtual” Assembly – Our annual Veterans Day assembly was held Wednesday.  As is everything this year, the assembly was a little different.  Students attended a “virtual” assembly in their 2nd period class.  The band, orchestra and choir students performed patriotic songs they have been practicing hard to perfect, and they did a wonderful job.  Thank you:  Mr. Tellez-for directing the band and orchestra, Ms. Chipman-for directing the concert choir, and Ms. Van Haaften-for producing a wonderful slide show highlighting the service of our Butler community.  We are very proud of all our Bruins for continuing this wonderful tradition of honoring Veterans.  We were also excited to share the link with our online students so they could participate as well. 

PTSA Partnership/Panda Express – Butler Middle School Families!  We are excited to announce our November partnership with our PTSA and Panda Express.  Enjoy a delicious lunch and/or dinner Tuesday, November 17th from 10:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Panda Express located at 6927 Park Centre Drive.  The PTSA is so grateful for your support of our school and community partners.  Mark the date and come hungry!

PTSA Campaign Drive – What better way to show our gratitude for our teachers than to give support by signing up for the PTSA?  Anyone can join, click on the link below and join today.


Parent Resources – I try to send home various articles or links that I think parents might find useful.  This is just a resource that you as a parent might find interesting.  Sometimes I share my thoughts about it; sometimes I just share.  It takes a village to raise our children and to keep them safe.  I hope that some of what I am able to send is helpful.  Sometimes there are repeats, but I do try to provide at least one resource each week. 

  • LandTrust/TSSA Summary–every year our Building Leadership Team and the School Community Council put together a plan to use the LandTrust and TSSA monies in ways to improve the outcomes for our students and school.  This is the summary of last year.  LandTrust _TSSA Summary 2020.pdf 

Build-A-Bruin – The following 1st period classes reached their classroom goal and got to spin the wheel for prizes:

  • Mr. Sanderson
  • Ms. Wilcox
  • Mrs. Woolstenhulme A Day

Upcoming Events

  • November 18 – SCC; 3:30 PM (Virtual)
  • November 25-27 – Thanksgiving Recess
  • November 30 – Midterms
  • November 30 – NetSmartz Assembly (virtual assembly)

If there is anything we can do to support you and your student, please let us know.  And remember,

It’s always a GREAT day . . . To be a BRUIN!!!

Ms. Paula Logan 

Ongoing Items – These items have been addressed before, but may be needed again.

Bruins Den – Cancelled through Thanksgiving Recess.  The Bruins Den is available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the GREAT Room.  This is a time for students to complete homework and/or get help from teachers.  Each afternoon, two teachers are available in the GREAT Room to assist with student homework.  Students can work on their own or get assistance from a teacher.  Computers are available for homework.

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