7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

The Bruin Bite — 12 November


We’ve had a great week.  It was so nice to have an assembly in the auditorium with all of our student body.  We did have a separate space for students who were uneasy and we were able to live stream for them.  Thank you for helping your children to share images of Veterans you love and know.  It is one of my favorite activities we do at BMS.  Our students were respectful and kind.  They were truly GREAT Bruins.   

Veterans’ Day Assembly – Our annual Veterans Day assembly was held Thursday.  The band, orchestra and choir students performed patriotic songs they have been practicing hard to perfect, and they did a wonderful job.  It was so impressive and we appreciate their hard work to get ready for this event.  Thank you:  Mr. Tellez-for directing the band, Ms. Anne Moulton-for directing the  orchestra, Ms. Quinones-for directing the concert choir, and Ms. Van Haaften-for producing a wonderful slide show highlighting the service of our Butler community.  We are very proud of all our Bruins for continuing this wonderful tradition of honoring Veterans.


  • Make sure to purchase your Memory Books! Purchase one now through the BMS Main Office for $30.
  • We have a Memory Book Cover Contest going on.  Get your entries in by the due date November 30, 2021.
  • Watch for our December Partnership Night.  More details to come.

Build-A-Bruin  – The following classes earned a Build-A-Bruin Bear this week:

  • Mrs. Dunleavy A Day
  • Mr. Evans
  • Mrs. Hawk
  • Mrs. Hemingway
  • Mrs. Sanderson

Upcoming Events

  • November 18                      Golden Bruin – Mickey Mouse’s Birthday
  • November 23                      2nd Quarter Mid Term (Progress Reports)
  • November 23 United Assembly
  • November 24-27                 Thanksgiving Recess 

Current After School Activities


  • Chess League                       Mondays
  • Bruins Den                          Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
  • Math Help                           Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Math Counts                        Wednesdays
  • Robotics League                  Thursdays

If you are feeling that more than normal anxiety or stress is happening with you or your child, please let us know.  If you are noticing excessive amounts of homework, please contact us.  You can contact a teacher, the counselors, or the administration.   Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.  We are here to help.

And remember, 

It’s always a GREAT day. . . To be a BRUIN!!!

Ms. Paula Logan


Ongoing Items – These items have been addressed before, but you may need the information again.

  • Bruins Den – November 16, 17 and 18.  The Bruins’ Den is available on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons from 3:00- 4:00 PM in the Media Center.  This is a time for students to complete homework and/or get help from teachers.  Each afternoon, two teachers are available in the Media Center to assist with student homework.  Students can work on their own or get assistance from a teacher.  Computers are available for homework.
  • Wild Weather DaysAs the weather changes, we will experience more Inside Days.  Inside Days are when the “FEELS LIKE” temperature is below 22 degrees Fahrenheit or there is significant winds or wet weather.  This is the same practice that is in our elementary schools.  On those inside days, you will see signage at the front doors.  Doors/Classrooms are to be open at 7:30 AM.  Students are always welcome to go outside during lunch.  We post the air quality each day for students, and on rainy or wet days we discourage students from going outside.  They do not always listen.
  • Emergency Substitutes – If you have the ability and the time, we need emergency substitutes.  You can sign up with the district to be a substitute and specify you only want BMS or a specific set of schools.  You can also contact Ms. LaDena Saxey to sign up to be an emergency sub or to find out more. You will need to complete a background check.  Call the main office at (801) 826-6800 between 8:00 a.m.and 2:00 p.m. or email  ladena.saxey@canyonsdistict.org