7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Bruin Bite–Welcome to the New School Year!


Welcome to Butler Middle School and the 2021-2022 school year!

I hope you are enjoying the summer and some quality time with your children.  They are so amazing and change so much during their middle school years.  We hope to be a support to their development throughout their time at Butler Middle School.

Again, I want to express my appreciation to our community for your support and efforts throughout the last year.  It was a challenging year for everyone in so many different ways.  I am grateful to our school community and how we worked together to mitigate risks and keep our school a safe place.  Truly, Thank You!!!!

For those of you who are new to our school, Welcome!  I try to send out a regular email, The Bruin Bite, each week starting in August.  Most weeks, I am successful.  The purpose of this email is to help provide parents information to help you support your children at school.  I hope it is a resource for you.

As the summer gets underway, I wanted to be sure you have some of the important dates and information so we are all ready when school begins.  Sometime in mid-July you should receive a postcard from the district with online registration information.  Online Registration will begin August 2nd.

Students selected courses for this coming year in February through the counseling center and the course registration process.  August Online Registration the updating and registration information for the 2021-2022 school year.

BMS will have some walk-in registration times for families who need access to computers or translators.

  • Aug 3                         Walk-in Registration at BMS, 8:00 -11 AM
  • Aug 4                         Walk-in Registration at BMS, 3:30 – 6:30 PM

New students in the area need to call the Main Office, 801-826-6800 and schedule a new student appointment with the counselors.

Teachers and Counselors are not in the building during the summer.  The administration is in most days during June and August.  We try to take most of our personal time during the month of July.

As for access to the building, our Summer Hours are:

  • July 6-July 22          9:00 AM—2:00 PM, Monday-Thursday (BMS will be closed on July 23)
  • July 26—August 12     8:00 AM—3:00 PM Monday-Friday
  • August 13                  7:30 AM – 3:15 PM, Monday-Friday (resume regular hours)

7th grade students are required to have updated immunizations.  I know many of you have already completed these.  Thank you.  I have attached the immunization information.  If you do have updated information, please drop the forms off in the Main Office or fax it to us at 801-826-6809.

Here are some additional dates to be aware of as you plan for the end of summer and fall.

Beginning of School Dates:

  • Aug. 2                        Online Registration Opens
  • Aug. 2                        Space Available Bus Permits forms available online
  • Aug. 3                        Walk-in Registration at BMS, 8:00 -11 AM
  • Aug. 4                         Walk-in Registration at BMS, 3:30 – 6:30 PM
  • Aug. 9                        Schedules Available Online
  • Aug. 12                      Back to School Night for Parents, 5:30-7:30 PM
  • Aug. 13                      6th Grade/New Student Orientation, 7:55-11:55 AM
  • Aug. 16                      First day of School—7:55-2:50
  • Aug. 20                      Friday Late Start—9:30 school start time
  • Aug. 25                      School Pictures
  • Aug. 31                      Bruins Den begins, 3-4, T, W, Th—homework help
  • Sept. 1                       PTSA, 5:30 PM, Zoom
  • Sept. 6                       No School, Labor Day
  • Sept. 8                       SCC Meeting, 3:30, Main Office Conference Room
  • Sept. 15                     Progress Reports—sent home with students
  • Sept. 21-22               Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Sept. 24                     No School, PTC Compensatory Day

Hopefully this gives you some of the information you need.  If you have additional questions or concerns, please email me.  I should have email contact throughout July.  If you need to talk with me in person, please call during the first week of August and we will schedule an appointment.  We are excited about the coming year.

Have a GREAT summer and remember . . .

It’s Always a GREAT Day to be a Bruin!!

Ms. Paula Logan