7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Bruin Bite — November 6, 2020


What a great week of warmth and sunshine.  The weather has been beautiful.  Students were out enjoying themselves, and well, I have enjoyed watching them.  

Be aware that next week the weather is changing.  We are moving into the winter months and the weather will be changing.  

Wild Weather or Outside/Inside Days

  • Outside Days–Most days.  Daily we will have a sandwich board at the Main Entrance that posts it is an Outside day.  We will have the map of teacher numbers and locations on this as well.  
  • Inside Days–(FYI–next week looks like there may be days inside)
    • “Feels like” temp is below 22 degrees Fahrenheit 
    • Skylert sent to homes at 6:30 AM
    • Students are directed to report to their 1st period class when they come into the building
    • Doors/Classrooms are to be open at 7:30 AM

At 23 degrees, students will line up and wait for their teachers to escort them into the building.  Students are always welcome to go outside during lunch but will not be required to line up outside if the temperature “feels like” it is at or below 22 degrees.  We encourage students to get fresh air and take a break during lunch, so the outside option is always open.

Report Cards – I apologize for the delay in processing report cards last week.  I am happy to say they are processed now and available to view via Skyward.  If you do not have a device to see this information, please call the main office at (801) 826-6800 and our staff can print one for you.

Parent Instructions to view and/or print Student Report Cards

  1. Go to the Canyons District web pagewww.canyonsdistrict.org
  2. Click Skyward
  3. Click Family Access
  4. Login to Skyward Family Access with your parent login and password
  5. Click on Student Password/Report Cards/SAGE Results (left side of screen)
  6. If you have multiple students, choose the student from the top of your screen
  7. Click on the 2020-21 Report Card Term that you want to view
  8. Click View Reports

GREAT Bruins – Respect – Here at Butler Middle School our GREAT Bruins are Good Citizens, Respectful, Engaged, Always Safe, and Totally Responsible.   Respect is one of our GREAT Bruin characteristics.  Respect is a big deal to middle school students.  It is something that they understand in relation to how they are treated, but often they do not see it as clearly in relation to their actions and how they treat or respond to others.  It is an interesting and rewarding part of our job to talk with students and help them reflect on respect in relation to their actions. We will have this discussion time and time again.  Our students are learning and growing and trying to test their own wings.  We work with them and set clear boundaries, but as they cross them, there needs to be discussion and learning beyond just consequences.  Please know that we do work on this almost constantly. We encourage you to take some time to talk over what Respect looks like in your family and what it looks like for your family as you move about in society. While sometimes deep discussions can be difficult or awkward with our teens, if you don’t talk about it, many times young people think that means you don’t care.  There are a lot of influences in the world, but the most important ones often come from the family.  We challenge you to take some time this weekend to talk over Respect with your student—What do they think it is?  How do they show respect for others (parents, siblings, neighbors, teachers, etc.) and how do they think people show respect to them?  Remind them that words have power and we need to use that power for good.  Name-calling and mean comments (even between friends) are not good patterns and can be quite hurtful and destructive.  Good Luck!

PTSA Campaign Drive (Run during November) – What better way to show our gratitude for our teachers than to give support by signing up for the PTSA?  Anyone can join, go tohttps://butlermiddle.new.memberhub.store

Parent Resources – How much teen time should be screen time? Parents and teens don’t always agree. Here are a couple of resources that might help your discussions as well as one article that talks about ensuring student well-being in the context of the 2020 election.   

Electronic Devices:  As a reminder, cell phones are not allowed to be in classrooms or the lunchroom. Please remind your child to stowe their electronic devices in their lockers during the day.

Build-A-Bruin – The following 1st period classes reached their classroom goal and got to spin the wheel for prizes:

  • Mrs. Hemingway
  • Mr. Otto
  • Mrs. Stanton

Upcoming Events

  • November 11 – Veterans Day, School video “assembly”
  • November 18 – SCC; 3:30 PM
  • November 25-27 – Thanksgiving Recess
  • November 30 – Midterms
  • November 30 – NetSmartz Assembly 

If there is anything we can do to support you and your student, please let us know.  And remember. . . ,

                     It’s always a GREAT day . . . To be a BRUIN!!!

Ms. Paula Logan