7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

The Bruin Bite — 3 December, 2021


Well, don’t let the weather outside fool you.  It is looking more and more like a winter wonderland inside Butler Middle School.  We have some pretty awesome Snowmen looking to win our annual “Deck the Doors” competition.  I always enjoy the creative ideas our faculty and students come up with.  It also reminds me that we only have a few weeks until winter break.  I can’t believe we are nearing the end of the calendar year.

In middle school we start to work with students to develop more independence in learning.  This is an important skill.  At this age, some students are tentative or shy about asking questions, other students ask inappropriate questions or do not know how to appropriately advocate for themselves or friends.  If your child struggles with this, just start small.  Have them ask one question to one teacher each day.  It could be about an assignment or grade or just a quick thing related to learning or what to study.  It is easier at times to stay in the background, but work with your children to develop confidence in how to advocate for themselves in small ways.  You could even role play with them.  And on a more personal reflective note, as an adult, when was the last time you let your curiosity run?  Spend some time this month with your child(ren) and explore something you are both curious about.  Help your child(ren) to see you excited about learning.

Remote Learning Friday – Remote Learning Fridays are days of learning.  Hopefully your child checked on their Canvas courses and completed their work.  Students are expected to use the time for independent learning and will be provided with learning packets or assignments on CSD’s common learning management system Canvas.  BMS Remote Learning Days.  More information can be found at canyonsdistrict.org.

Homework – We continue to review our homework assignments and expectations.  At Butler Middle School, we define homework as written or non-written tasks that are assigned by a teacher to be completed by students outside of the classroom.  Homework in middle school, for a typical student, should be no more than 60-80 minutes on a given evening.  Depending on the focus, procrastination, and effort some students may be higher.  No homework will be assigned over a weekend or holiday–as in assigned on Friday and due on Monday.  A longer-term project may be due on a Monday, but in that case a student should have enough prior notice so the project can be completed without the weekend time. 

If you are noticing a pattern of extensive assignments that are taking hours and hours each night, please communicate with the teacher as somewhere there has been a breakdown.  Students should not be working late hours into the night every night. Students need their sleep and down time just like teachers and other adults.  


  • Make sure to purchase your Memory Books! Purchase one now through the BMS Main Office for $30.
  • December Partnership Night. In and Out Burger–Dec. 13th–A flyer will come home.  

Build-A-Bruin  – The following classes earned a Build-A-Bruin Bear this week:

  • Ms. Lair-Mawdsley
  • Ms. Leonard
  • Mrs. Stanton

Upcoming Events

  • December 8                 Holiday Band and Orchestra Concert
  • December 9                 Dance Concert
  • December 10               Spirit Day – Wear your Festive Sweater
  • December 13               Golden Bruin National Hot Cocoa Day
  • December 14               Choir Concert (at BHS)
  • December 17               Spirit Day – Wear your Holiday PJ’s
  • December 20 – 31        Winter Recess

Current After School Activities

  • Chess League               Mondays
  • Bruins Den                  Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
  • Math Help                   Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Math Counts                Wednesdays
  • Robotics League          Thursdays

If you are feeling that more than normal anxiety or stress is happening with you or your child, please let us know.  If you are noticing excessive amounts of homework, please contact us.  You can contact a teacher, the counselors, or the administration.   Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.  We are here to help.

And remember, 

It’s always a GREAT day. . . To be a BRUIN!!!

Ms. Paula Logan


Ongoing Items – These items have been addressed before, but you may need the information again.

  • Bruins Den – December 7, 8, and 9.  The Bruins’ Den is available on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the GREAT Room.  This is a time for students to complete homework and/or get help from teachers.  Each afternoon, two teachers are available in the Media Center to assist with student homework.  Students can work on their own or get assistance from a teacher.  Computers are available for homework.
  • Wild Weather DaysAs the weather changes, we will experience more Inside Days.  Inside Days are when the “FEELS LIKE” temperature is below 22 degrees Fahrenheit or there is significant winds or wet weather.  This is the same practice that is in our elementary schools.  On those inside days, you will see signage at the front doors.  Doors/Classrooms are to be open at 7:30 a.m.  Students are always welcome to go outside during lunch.  We post the air quality each day for students, and on rainy or wet days we discourage students from going outside.  They do not always listen.
  • Emergency Substitutes – If you have the ability and the time, we need emergency substitutes.  You can sign up with the district to be a substitute and specify you only want BMS or a specific set of schools.  You can also contact Ms. LaDena Saxey to sign up to be an emergency sub or to find out more. You will need to complete a background check.  Call the main office at (801) 826-6800 between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. or email  ladena.saxey@canyonsdistict.org.
