7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Halloween Costume Guidelines

Halloween Costumes

During the school year we have dress up days for various reasons.  Please note that dress code is always an expectation; shoes are required; and full-face masks are not allowed.  As for Halloween, we have had students (and staff) dress up in the past.  On Thursday, October 31st, students can wear Halloween Costumes.  When working with your student to select a costume, please remember the dress code will still be in effect.  Here are some guidelines:

  • No full-face mask or full-face paint.  We need to be able to visibly identify students even in costumes.
  • Costumes should not hinder your ability to participate in classes, including PE or hinder your ability to move through the hallways in a safe manner (blow up costumes). 
  • Costumes that are provocative, revealing, sexual in nature or employ questionable props are not permitted.
  • Costumes that depict violence, alcohol, or drugs are not permitted.  Fake (or real) weapons are not allowed.
  • Costumes that can be offensive or perpetuate a stereotype of someone’s culture, gender, heritage or religion are not permitted.

And as always, the costumes or dressings up are optional.  Students wearing questionable costumes will be asked to modify their costumes to make them appropriate for school. If you have any questions regarding the appropriateness of your costume idea, we encourage you to speak with a teacher, counselor or administrator.  Thank you for taking the time to help your student understand these guidelines.